Helping you get more work done on your iPad with less aggravation
- Printing from your iPad -
Answering some questions that have been hanging around De Sales Hall recently.
Answering some questions that have been running rampant here in
- 9th grade iPads - NO HOME BUTTON! -
The new 9th grade iPads are the 10th generation, which means they have no home button. While I realize this is old news for some, for others it is a
- 9th Grade: the [second] iPad Handout for 2024 -
You have a decision to make on HOW you will go about getting your data transferred from your old iPad to the new one.
Soon you will fill out a
- Stretch out your iPad Battery -
Here are 8 tips for stretching out your iPad battery life.
Use Dark Mode
Check Battery usage per app
Turn on Low Power Mode
- Tired of Tapping? Use an External Keyboard on Your iPhone and Unlock Tons of Keyboard Shortcuts -
Original source article is at
iPads, as usual, must be turned in before you may receive your grades. Details on dates, what to turn in, policies, etc. are
- Make **SURE** your notes are backing up from Notability to Drive -
Following these instructions means you can access your Notability notes using any internet-connected device than can read PDF
- Notability and Google Drive - the 2023 edition -
It is CRITICAL that you have your Notability notes backing up to Drive, AND in the correct format. This lets you retrieve your Notes using ANY
- BEFORE switching to a Managed AppleID -
We are [slowly] migrating to using managed AppleIDs. BEFORE you switch away from your old one:
Fire up Notability
Switch to
If you were switching to a Managed AppleID, and forgot [or didn't know to] turn OFF the iCloud Sync in Notability..... then all of your Notes just
- iPad OS 17: what's new, and should you update? -
Updating is OPTIONAL at this point. MDS Tech has not tested the new OS just yet, but we anticipate there will be only a few issues since we have
- iMovie to Schoology -
Here's how to get an iMovie project submitted to Schoology
Click on your project [NOT "Edit"]
Click the "Share" Icon
Select Schoology as
- Make sure your iPad is ready -
Make sure you got all of these tasks completed on your iPad - believe me, it will save you some hassles down the road!
ONE: Connected to the
These instructions are only for SENIORS who ARE or have taken their AP exams.
iPads, as usual, must be turned in before you may graduate, get
iPads, as usual, must be turned in before you may receive your grades. Details on dates, what to turn in, policies, etc. are below.
- The Great 2023 iPad Turnin: SENIORS -
These instructions are for SENIORS only.
iPads, as usual, must be turned in before you may graduate, get transcripts, and all that necessary
- Shared iPads: Saving Notability files and emailing them -
On the Middle School Shared iPads, you cannot use the Mail app. So how do you email your teacher?
Here's how - open this
- Tired of seeing Cupertino's weather on your iPad? -
Here's how to change the Weather Widget on your ipad from Cupertino to something a LITTLE closer to home.
The Weather Widget on an
- iPad is Disabled - what to do -
What to do if your ipad is Disabled
Why this happens: You typed in your passcode too many times
How to fix it: Bring your ipad to the iPad
- Busted iPad? Here's what to do -
What to do if your iPad looks like this
First:Make sure your Notability notes are backed up to Drive.
Notability --> Gear icon [bottom left]
- Schoology: Logging in, Submitting Assignments, Drive and Schoology -
By the way, it is pronounced "cchool-ogy", not "schoo-ah-logy"
Logging in
Select "Log into your School". DO NOT select "Login with Schoology"
- Get Ready for the Great 2022 iPad Turnin -
Early Turnin - Upper School:
Wed - Fri May 11 - 13, probably in DS1. This is ONLY for those who want to turn in the iPads early, AND do not
- iPad: What's that "Other" thing taking up so much space? -
Much of this information is taken from
- Cool Stuff in Notability -
Drawing doughnuts? Record Audio? Scan Documents? Convert handwriting into text? [well, maybe not the Computer Curmudgeon's handwriting....] Read
- Aleks --> what to do when it doesn't work on your iPad -
When Aleks refuses to work, here are some things to check.
Aleks provides a “check your setup” screen to help in checking these
As of January 27, 2022, Apple released an update to IOS 15 that plugs a major security hole. Update your iPad at home. TONIGHT. It is **that**
- iPads and Printing -
If you are having trouble printing on your iPad - AND other students **can** print - here are some things to check:
Step One:
- Powerschool vs Powerschool Learning apps -
**THIS** is the app to use to access the MDS LMS
There are two powerschool apps on your ipad: Powerschool Learning, used to access the LMS, and
- iPad Turnin Mon May 10 - Fri May 14 -
The Bullet-point details:
When: Monday May 10 through Friday May 14, 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.Where: THE ARC [no where else]Who: The student turns in
- SENIORS:iPad Turnin Details -
Components required: iPad, Apple certified iPad block, cable, case/screeniPad MUST have at least a 20% charge
If the
- HOW TO: Get an assignment from PS LMS to Notability on your iPad -
... and then email it to your teacher.
Find and tap on the PS (PowerSchool app)
PowerSchool should load and log you into your
- Dark iPad Apps? Here's what to do -
If you have one or several iPad apps that are "dark", still installing, and/or giving you a message saying you need to purchase the app from the app
- Meet, LMS, Mail, Drive without your iPad apps -
Even if your iPad apps are "dark" or missing - or your iPad is broken - you can still access the LMS, use Google Meet, access Google Drive, and
- 2022 iPad Handout -
--> This is a link to the Setup Slideshow. <--
Step One
Get on the network [Settings --> WiFi]
Choose MDS-Student. MDS*****,
- iPads and Styluses -
One of the attractions of using the iPads is the ability to handwrite on the screen. This is especially useful in Notability [which can convert your
- Making sure you can connect: Google Meet -
With Google Meet there is an option to use a Shortcut. This stays the same from session to session and makes it easy for everyone to get into the
- AP Students: LockDown Browser -
Dr. Franklin will be coordinating the details on taking your AP exam. This article will discuss the software you will need to take the exam.
- What to do if your iPad needs to be repaired -
These are the things MDS Tech does to prepare your iPad for replacement. During this eLearning season, the process needs to change.
Make sure you
- iMovie: Do you know how? -
First, some advice:
LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION - over 90% of the time you should be shooting in Landscape orientation [a.k.a. SIDEWAYS]. The ONLY
- iPad Tips and Tricks -
Gestures, Split View, and More make the iPad even more useful.
Most of this information covers IOS 13 - so if you have not updated, GET IT DONE
- Get better at using your iPad [and save time] -
As one article says, 'It's important to learn the ways you can navigate in the OS with as little friction as possible".... in other words, get your
- Aleks and iPads: The Fall 2019 edition -
IOS 13 and Aleks have made some changes. If you are unable to get your Aleks work done on your iPad, try switching the version that your iPad is
- Notability: You won't believe what you can do -
Since it is our primary go-to app for getting stuff done on your iPad, it is REALLY worth your time to learn it well.
First, some pointers from
- iPad: Easy Fixes to several problems -
When your iPad is wonky, the first things to do [before asking for help!] is:
1: Do the ipad reboot dance.
- Notability, iCloud, Docs gone, Google Drive -
Friday 2:00 pm update: Waiting on tech support to get back to me.Friday 2:30: Our issue has reached the front of the line and someone is looking at
- iPad: The "Standard Apps List" -
The list of iPad apps that all middle school students should have on their iPads:
Catholic New American Bible RE, CheckersChess - Learn Chess
- Notability: Backup to Drive, Retrieve from Drive -
Backing up Notability to Drive
Make SURE your Notability files are backing up to Google Drive
First, Open Notability.
2. On the screen
- iPads, Styli, and such -
There are three basic types of styli available for use with iPads - but which ones can be used depends on what model iPad you have [each class has a
- The Great 2019 iPad Turnin -
Seniors are up first
Here are all the details you need:
WHAT to turn in
iPad in its caseCharger cable [even if damaged]Charger
- The Great 2019 iPad Turnin: Seniors -
Seniors are up first
Here are all the details you need:
WHAT to turn in
iPad in its caseCharger cable [even if damaged]Charger
- iPad Battery Checkout -
Recharge your iPad on the go
If you are tired of being stressed out because you forgot to charge your iPad last night like you were supposed to -
- Notability and iCloud - The newest versions of Notability automatically stash your Notes in iCloud - which is nice UNTIL something goes awry.
Notability is as
- IOS 12 and missing iBooks - If you have upgraded your iPad to IOS 12, and now your iBooks are missing, try these fixes [taken from a variety of locations across the web}:
- Sadlier Connect problems - If you are one of the "lucky" students who have a Sadlier assignment not loading on your iPad, please help out MDS Tech - try the things listed
- Read books on your iPad [for fun, not for class] - If you'd like to "check out" ebooks on your iPad, there are TWO ways:
The MackinVia app already on your iPad. CLICK HERE for instructions on setting
- iPad cables and Chargers --> BEWARE OF EL CHEAPO - While it is possible to find "bargains" on eBay or at your local convenience store - DON'T use them with your iPad [or any other Apple product, for
- iPad Cables and Chargers --> LEAVE THEM HOME! - We've seen a number of students walking around campus with their iPad cables and chargers.
You are responsible for
- If you have not turned in your iPad yet - We are on a Summer Schedule - the hours are 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Thursday.
Bring the iPad to the Front Office in Sheridan Hall -
- The Great 2018 iPad Turnin -
Here are the dates when you will turn in your iPads.
You will turn your iPad
- The Great 2018 iPad Turnin: Seniors - SENIORS
Here are the dates when you will turn in your iPads.
- iPads: Turn Two-Factor Authentication OFF - Some students have turned what is called Two-Factor Authentication on inside their iCloud account.
For most of your digital devices, this is a
- Don't FRY your iPad! - MDS tech has seen three iPads that have been electrically fried, resulting in a need for replacement [and a bill sent out].
According to tech
- My iPad can't.....[problems] - Some basic things to check when your iPad is misbehaving - weird problems like email not downloading, or not being able to download Moodle docs into
- Black iPad Apps - what to do - If you have apps on your ipad that are "black" or "grayed out" or just "won't work", here are some things to try:
First, make sure you have a
- iPad out of room - Here's how to tell how much storage you have used on your iPad, and how to tell what is using it up:
To see how much storage you have already
- IOS 11 is here...but wait! - IOS11 is here - but hang on a second before you update your school iPad.
Here are some things to think about:
Not everyone can update.
- AppleID - Are you signed in? - If you are NOT signed in to your iCloud/AppleID account, then Find My iPad will NOT work. This might not seem like a big deal now, but will be when
- iPad apps not installing? - Sometimes when app are installing while you are at school, then you go home, then come back to school the next day, the app install process
- iPad App Portal - New to the ipads this year is the App Portal, a place where students can download a selection of apps to their iPad.
No - not just any apps in the
- My iPad is in the wrong time zone! - If your iPad clock is a few hours off [it thinks it's still in California...], here's how to bring it to Eastern time:
- iPad Setup details - What buttons to push to get your iPad setup:
1) Get on the Network
• Find the Settings app
• Click Wi-Fi
• Select the network MDS-Student
• A
- Keynote - TONS of new features - Keynote had a huge update posted after school got out for the summer. The article below has a full listing of the new features, which includes some
- The Great iPad Turnin: Middle School - READ THIS ENTIRE ENTRY FOR ALL THE DETAILS:
The last two days of school [Monday-Tuesday May 22,23]
- The Great 2017 iPad Turnin: Underclassmen -
Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors:
Here are the dates when you will turn in your iPads.
- The Great 2017 iPad Turnin: Info for Seniors -
Seniors, here are the dates when you will turn in your iPads. READ THIS ENTIRE ENTRY FOR ALL THE DETAILS:
- IOS 10 - make the home button friendly again - NOTE: this is only applicable to those who have Air2 iPads AND have setup your fingerprints to open up your iPad.
If you miss just resting your
- The Great 2017 iPad Turnin is Coming! - Seniors:
Starting April 26th.
Upper School:
Starting May 17.
Middle School:
Starting May 22.
- The Great 2017 iPad Turnin: Fast Approaching - The Great
For upper school, the first possible day is the day your exam exemptions are announced.
For Seniors, that is Wednesday
- Dark Apps - Can't get my typing done - help! - Sometimes when MDS Tech pushes out app updates on the iPads it takes a while for everything to get updated.
The first things you need to do:
- Is your iPad data backed up? MAKE SURE before disaster strikes. - We've had several students lately who have lost data because they had not correctly setup their backups - and then their iPads were either damaged or
- DON'T BUY FAKE iPAD CHARGERS! - Genuine Apple Charger on the left. Look closely at the Counterfeit one on the right - several
- Find my iPad - PDF version - Click here to get a pdf with detailed instructions
on using Find My iPad: Lost iPad
- "Black" ipad apps - "Doing the Dance" - If you have an app that STAYS black [which means the iPad has made room for it, but has NOT downloaded and installed it], then MDS Tech might ask you
- Before turning in your busted iPad - things to do - If the iPad Guy has asked you to swap out your iPad, here is a list of things you need to do on your OLD iPad before turning it in.
If you can't -
- Move Pix/Vids from Drive to iPad - Sometimes you need to move a picture or video that you've stashed in Drive, so you can use in on your iPad [in iMovie, for example].
- Want Garageband or Numbers on your iPad? - Before you send that email to The iPad Guy telling him that you'd like to have either of these apps, make certain you have enough space on your
- iCloud - how to setup your account - The MUST list:
you MUST use your MDS email address
you MUST use your Moodle password [or if your moodle password is missing a number, add
- Save Your Data! [what to do after your iPad gets wiped] - Here's what you need to MAKE SURE gets setup after your iPad gets wiped - or better yet, BEFORE something happens to your iPad.
The Short List
- My iPad isn't working - no email, no printing, no web surfing - Problem: If your iPad all of a sudden stops working oncampus, it is most likely because your subscription to the network has expired.
It MUST be
- Notability Not Working - If Notability seems to start up when you click the icon, and then it disappears:
Step One - Clear the Decks:
Swipe out of all your running apps
- iPads: Clear Cache and Cookies in Web Browser - Here's how to clear the Cache and Cookies on your iPad web browsers.
For Safari:
Settings –> Safari
Click the “Clear Cookies and Data”
- 2016 iPad Apps for Middle School - Here's the list of iPad apps that should be on your iPads. It will probably change as we go through the school year.
SOME grades will have
- Get files FROM Drive TO Notability - Normally you set Notability to automatically backup your docs to Drive. Sometimes you need to reverse that process - pull some material from Drive
- Getting ready for the First Official iPad Hospital Day - Tuesday 8/23/16 we will be holding the
First Official Upper School
iPad Hospital Day.
At a designated time [AND NOT BEFORE!] you can drop off
- Missing iPad Apps - If you still haven't seen your apps appear, here are some things to check.
Is your iPad up-to-date?
Settings --> General --> Software
- iPad - the time is wrong! - Here's how to fix it if the time on your iPad is off by several hours:
Settings --> General --> Date and Time
If "Set Automatically" is
- iPad Apps List - August 2016 - Here is the starting iPad apps list on student iPads. This WILL change as we progress during the semester, and it does NOT contain any class-specific
- The Great 2016 iPad Turnin is here! - Details about turning in your iPad, including dates.
NOTE: Your iPad MUST be powered on to turn it in. If it is dead we will NOT accept it.
- Are my iPad files being backed up? - Here's how to make sure your Notability files and Pix/Videos are backed up.
Open Google Drive. Look for for the folder
- Textilus and TurnItIn: Here's How - Here is how to get a document you've created in Textilus on your iPad to the TurnItIn account.
PREREQUISITE: You MUST be logged into your Drive
- IOS 9 Battery - get more day out of your iPad! - Here are some tips to make your iPad battery last longer - and make it easier to keep track of your battery.
- IPAD UNAVAILABLE - so I don't have to do my homework, right? -
"My iPad isn't working"
"Mr. Rule has my iPad so I don't have to do my homework"
"I tried to send my homework and it didn't work so I don't
- No connection to Wi-Fi - Access Denied -
If your subscription to the
- Find my iPad - how to use - If you have lost or misplaced your iPad, here's how to use "Find my iPad" to figure out where it is.
This only works if
you have correctly
- iPad: FindmyiPad, Privacy settings - There are several privacy settings that MUST be set on your school iPad - and several that are your call, but that the iPad guy recommends [unless
- Kindle App - how to use -
Here is some info from the web
on using the Kindle app.
To download titles your device must be connected to a wireless or
- iPad not working? Can't get on the Web? - If your iPad
can't get on the web
can't access your eText
can't fetch email
....or do anything else that required network access to the
- Aleks - iPads - won't load - If ALEKS won't load on your iPad [but it does on other's iPads], then you should clear out your web cache. Click any graphic below to see a larger
- iPad Setup - 6th grade - Fall 2015 - Gestures
Octopus Squish
3-finger swipe
2 finger Zoom
Once = home screen
Twice = All
- iPad Turnin - quick notes - WHEN?
Check THE PREVIOUS POST. It has all the details.
Turn in your iPad to the ARC. There's a table there.
Turn in
- The Great 2015 iPad Turnin - Before reading the below, go bone up on some
Quantum Physics* and Schenkerian Analysis**.
FIRST, pick your group below.
THEN read
- Setting up the Meraki MDM app - Here are some vague directions for getting the Meraki MDM app setup. This is best done at school, on campus - it's easier for some technical reasons
- Setting up your AppleID and Find my iPad - If you never setup Find my iPad or iCloud or your AppleID, here's a vague outline on how to proceed.
Check your Moodle password. Does it have a
- Improve your Battery Life - This applies to iPads as well as iPhones. Taken from THIS ARTICLE over at ZDnet, here are a whole slew of ways to stretch your iPad battery. At the
- My iPad is busted. What do I do? -
If your iPad is PHYSICALLY damaged
- VRP 7 iPad app - record/edit/export audio -
SFX = "Sound Effects"
LISTEN - REAL closely. Close your eyes to see if that's a sound you can use.
Close vs Far - Putting mic close to the
- Can I print from my iPad? - Click for the bigger version
Anywhere on campus, you can call up the print menu [look for the "export" icon - a rectangle with an arrow coming OUT
- Updating your iPad OS - Notes and Tips about updating your iPad:
You'll see an indication that there is a System Update in the Settings App.
Go to Settings -->
- Sending a Keynote file to your teacher - "Why" explained below. First, "How":
You've created a Keynote presentation, and need to get it to your teacher in a way that can be viewed on their
- iPad keyboards - Here are two reviews of ipad keyboards that have received a favorable writeup. Unfortunately they are on the expensive side - unless you can find one
- Submit Assignments into Moodle AWAY FROM YOUR iPAD! - Let's assume for a moment that you have tried to submit a Google Drive file into a Moodle assignment using your iPad - and it doesn't work.
- Notability issue - Out of Storage - Think of your ipad as a filing cabinet with a limited amount of storage. If you fill up your filing cabinet, then nothing more can be stashed there
- iBook not downloading? - If your purchased iBook is not downloading, here are a couple of things to doublecheck:
Make sure you are indeed on the network. Try going to an
- Moodle <--> Drive errors [Cannot submit an assignment] - If you are getting arcane technical errors when trying to submit an assignment
using your iPad
in Moodle
from Google Drive
- Adding sound to iPad iMovie - Let's say you are working on an iMovie and want to add some music or audio that is NOT builtin. Here are some options:
Setup your personal iTunes
- Saving time in IOS8 Mail - published an article on using Mail and iMessage in IOS8 that you might find useful.
CLICK HERE to read it
THe tips covered
- After your iPad was wiped out.... - [January 2017 update]
Sometimes your iPad has to be wiped clean of all your is a list of everything you need to make sure everything
- "There's not enough room to update to 8" -
Check other apps that might be taking up room.
Music - delete it all.
Photo Stream - turn it off. That takes up room.
Google apps - Docs,
- IOS 8 - YES you can update! - After some [NON-thorough] testing, it looks like OS 8 will work OK on our setups here at MDS.
Here are the "gotchas":
You MUST have 5.9 gigs
- Kindle App - setup - Students - you will be receiving [if you haven't already received it!] an email with your kindle account information.
Here is how to setup
- iPad: Make your battery's charge last longer - Want to make your battery last longer in your iPad [or iphone, for that matter]?
Turn off as many Notifications as you can
Decrease the
- iPad Setup: August 2014 edition - Here are the concise instructions for getting the first part of your iPad setup.
Click here -->iPad handout 2014
if you'd like the PDF version
- The Great iPad TurnIn Event: 2014 edition [Middle School] - We'll be taking your iPads up on MONDAY, MAY19 during the school day.
This is a LONG message - please read ALL of it!
Here's the
- iPad Keyboards and Styluses - As we approach One-to-One status, several have asked the iPad guy about picking up keyboards and styluses for use with their iPads next
- iPad Questions part 3: Apps, Control Center, Notification Center, Spotlight - Another video describing basic iPad stuff, such as
Switching between apps
Seeing all the apps that are currently active
Closing an
- iPad Questions part 2: Get your Apps Organized - How to move your apps around and get them organized. How to put them in folders on screen, plus a few other tips.
- iPad questions, Part 1 - Answering many questions people have about basics on their iPad. This video [click here for the direct youtube link] covers:
Turning it
- Photon Web Browser - Tips - Photon is an iPad web browser that allows you to access website that use Flash. The biggest thing to remember is that anything Flash will NOT run
- Photon EDU Setup - Photon EDU is a flash-enabled web browser we'll be using - but before you can use it, there is some setup you have to do.
1. Start up Photon
- iPad notes - 12/18/13 - The announcement video that didn't quite playback well. Has a couple of tips and notes on taking care of your iPad.
CLICK HERE to watch on youtube
- ePub texts - how to read - You might run across an ePub book. How do you read it?
[NOTE: We haven't had a chance to test out these on our machines, so your mileage may vary.
- iPads - printing at home - YES, you can print from your ipad at home, but you must have a wireless network active at the house, and your ipad must be connected to it.
- iPad Backups- how and why - Scroll all the way down to fetch a PDF version of this info.
CLICK HERE for an update about Notability.
At the risk of stating the obvious, you
- Oh, no! My iPad is in Recovery mode! - Your iPad is in "Recovery Mode" when the screen looks like this:
Things NOT to do:
Do NOT attach it to iTunes
Do NOT try to restore it
- iPad Camera Roll to your Teacher [Dept iPad Set] - Say you have a Department iPad set, the students have produced some media [pictures or videos] and you need to fetch a copy. Here's how:
On the
- iPad movies and pictures to Google Drive - A quick note on how to get movies and pictures from your iPad to your Google Drive.
1. Fire up Google Drive
2. Click the UPLOAD icon [a plus
- MS iPad Setup - 201 - The 11-minute youtube video is at
1. From the "Hello" screen
Swipe to start
YES - enable Location
- iPad setup - Middle School - CLICK HERE for the video version [You can ignore a lot of the stuff before the "Use you iPad" part.]
HERE is the Google Doc version
The text
- How to get the school contact list on your iPad - When sending an email, it's handy to have an email address popup as you're typing. That's normally what happens when you have someone in your
- Easy Photo Presenting - Photography Class - Photography Class - Easy Presentations
Two Methods
Google Drive
No editing or control over order
Photoshop - export to