Submit Assignments into Moodle AWAY FROM YOUR iPAD!

Let’s assume for a moment that you have tried to submit a Google Drive file into a Moodle assignment  using your iPad – and it doesn’t work.

Let’s also assume that your Notability backups are working, and that the Notability document you just completed is already in your Drive.

  1. Get to a desktop or laptop [you can even do this using a smartphone, but it’s more aggravating].
  2. Fire up a web browser [Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.]
  3. Open up your Google drive by surfing to [or you could click the link]. login.
  4. Open up the Notability folder, just to make sure the file you need is there. If it isn’t, pull out your iPad and manually export the file from Notability to Google Drive.
  5. Open up a new tab. Get to and login to Moodle. Submit the file – you already know how to do that, right?

Now you know how to bypass a technical issue, get your assignment in on time, AND access your Drive-space away from your iPad.