Are my iPad files being backed up?

Here’s how to make sure your Notability files and Pix/Videos are backed up.


  1. Open Google Drive. Look for for the folder “Notability” – nose around to see if that last thing you created is there. If so, things are working.
  2. OR In Notability, create a new note. Scrawl something on there, then exit the note. Look at the bottom left corner – you should see the “Backing Up” circle go. If so, then things are backing up.
  3. If things are NOT working, then call up settings [the Gear icon, bottom left], select AutoBackup. Login to Google Drive. The defaults [/Notability folder, PDF format] work well.

Pix & Vids to Drive

  1. Open up Drive App
  2. Click the “hamburger menu” – the 3 stacked lines, top left
  3. Select Settings–> Photos
  4. Turn “Google Photos Folder” AND “Auto Backup” ON. The WiFi/Cellular settings don’t matter since your iPad does NOT have a cell radio.
  5. You should see a “Google Photos” folder – all of your pix and videos will be there after they finish uploading.
  6. NOTE: Deleting a photo/video on your iPad DOES NOT delete them from Drive.