Oh, no! My iPad is in Recovery mode!

Your iPad is in “Recovery Mode” when the screen looks like this:


Things NOT to do:

  • Do NOT attach it to iTunes
  • Do NOT try to restore it from a backup
  • Do NOT try to fix this yourself!

The instructions you’ll see on the web about getting your iPad out of this predicament are all helping people with their OWN iPads, not with iPads that are school owned.

Here’s what you SHOULD do:

  • Bring it by the Tech Cave [Upstairs Sheridan for high School, Library for the Middle School]
  • Middle School – you can also leave it with Mrs. Jones in the office. She’ll let the Tech Team know about it.
  • Put a post-it note on it with your name, and homeroom on it.

We will get it back to working order again.