Notes and Tips about updating your iPad:
You’ll see an indication that there is a System Update in the Settings App.
Go to Settings –> General–>Software Update.
If you are able to update, then do so – but PLUG IT IN FIRST. It will take anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours.
If you see a message about not having enough room, then you’ll have to clear out some data:
- Open the Photos App. Delete anything you don’t want. Be ruthless! THEN, click ALBUMS, open up the “Recently Deleted” album, Click SELECT [on the top right], then DELETE ALL [top left]
- Open up the Drive App. Click the menu icon – top left. Click “On Device“. For each file listed, click the Info button, find the slider “Keep on Device”, and turn it OFF.
- iMovie – delete projects.
- Garageband – delete songs.
- Toontastic – delete projects there.
- Swipe out of all active apps, and reboot the iPad. [Hold down the power button until the “Slide to Turn Off” gizmo pops up onscreen.]
- Delete email accounts in Settings –> Mail. [a bit drastic, this one. You shouldn’t lose any emails or attachments.]
After each step, switch back to the settings app to see if there is enough room. If you are still at a loss, see Mr. Rule or Mrs. Brown in the ARC for additional suggestions.
Once you’ve made room, then update.
You will see several screens – but not all of the ones listed below. What screens you see will change depending on which OS you started with, and which OS you ended with.