Wed – Fri May 11 – 13, probably in DS1. This is ONLY for those who want to turn in the iPads early, AND do not need them for exams.
Regular Turnin – Upper School
Exam week, Mon – Wed May 16-18, DURING SCHOOL HOURS, in the ARC. We will be open for an hour past the end of the last exam each day.
Regular Turnin – Middle School
Your teacher will let you know when they know. DO NOT BUG THEM ABOUT IT.
You can save yourself a TON of time by getting your ipad ready in advance.
Make sure your photos are backed up to Drive [CLICK HERE]
Make sure your Notability notes are being backed up [ CLICK HERE ]
Make sure your iPad has AT LEAST a 20% charge. We WILL NOT accept any iPad with less than that – you can either plug it in and wait, or come back later.
Bring your cable and charger. make sure it is an IPAD charger [larger], not an iPhone charger [ small].
Remove your Passcode.
How to backup your Notability NotesHow to backup your photos and videos
If the iPad Guy has asked you to swap out your iPad, here is a list of things you need to do on your OLD iPad before turning it in.
If you can’t – because the screen is too damaged, etc. – then it’s possible you MIGHT lose some data. At the very least the process will be more inconvenient [as opposed to catastrophic].
Settings –> iCloud –> Backup. “BACKUP NOW”. Wait for it to complete – it will take a while.
Notability –> Settings [gear icon on the front screen]. Make SURE AutoUpdate is turned ON.
Drive –> Look inside the notability folder, make sure your latest notability stuff is there. Look inside the “Google Photos” folder – make sure your pix are there. If they aren’t, then manually copy them up to that folder [Plus icon, bottom right, select Photos album, click on the pictures that are missing, click the Blue Checkmark to start the upload.]
Once this is done we can start working on your replacement iPad.