Category Archives: iPads

iPad setup – Middle School

CLICK HERE for the video version  [You can ignore a lot of the stuff before the “Use you iPad” part.]

HERE is the Google Doc version

The text quicknotes version – SOME of the first few items may not show up on your iPad.:

First, check your Moodle password. Did you have to modify it to create an AppleID?

Moodle password:

UPPER AND lower case?

If Not:
UPPER AND lower case?  →→→→→→ Changed the 1st letter to the other case

Number?  →→→→→→ Added 1970 to the end


  1. START
    1. Set language

    1. Set Region

    2. Choose network – sign in

    3. Click DONE

    4. Next

    5. ENABLE location services

  2. Restore from iCloud Backup

    1. Type in username & Password

      1. Generally mds email address and Moodle password

      2. EXCEPTION 1: if the moodle password does NOT have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number, then:

        1. if missing one case or the other: the FIRST letter was changed to the ‘other’ case

        2. if missing a number. 1970 was added at the end of the moodle password

      3. EXCEPTION 2: some 7th grade students have “temp” AppleIDs [i.e. tech+1@mds…..]. They are listed in the “Names and iPads” Google Doc. Password is Cavaliers1871

    2. Terms and Conditions→ AGREE

    3. “It may take a few minutes”

  3. DO NOT select “Restore from iTunes” as an option

  4. Sign in with your AppleID.

    1. NEXT

    2. AGREE to terms and conditions [yes, again. Because the lawyers said so!]

  5. YES, use iCloud

  6. NO, do not use “Find my ipad”

  7. Passcode – your option. If you forget it, though, it will either be massively inconvenient or disastrous for your data. We won’t know which option until it happens.

  8. Open Utilities folder, launch Meraki.

    1. Push notifications → OK

    2. Which network: All iPads

    3. Profile install → OK

    4. Push Install button

    5. Push Install now

    6. Push Install

    7. Click DONE

    8. Use Current Location? → OK

      1. If an error pops up “Location disabled for this app”

        1. Settings → Privacy → location settings

        2. Turn Meraki ON

        3. close out

  9. Setup Mail

    1. Settings → Mail, Contacts, Calendars

    2. Add Account → Google

    3. fill out email address, password, etc

    4. Description: I suggest “MDS” or “School”

    5. Make sure everything turned on [mail, contacts, calendars, notes]

    6. Save

  10. Setup iCloud

    1. Settings → iCloud

    2. Verify if needed

    3. Turn Backup ON

    4. Back Up NOW [just to be safe]


PowerTeacher App settings

Fire up the App PowerTeacher

Under Global Settings:

  • Server Address:
  • Port number: 443
  • SSl Enabled: ON
  • You do NOT need to “locate district server”
  • The other settings are personal preferences. Change them however you like.
  • Click the LOGIN button at the top, and login.



How to get the school contact list on your iPad

When sending an email, it’s handy to have an email address popup as you’re typing. That’s normally what happens when you have someone in your contacts on the ipad…. but there is also a way to have the entire school contact list popup.

Here’s how:

  1. Settings –> Mail, Contact, Calendars
  2. In the Accounts section, ADD ACCOUNT
  3. Click the Microsoft Exchange button
  4. Enter your email address and password. Put something in Description that describes what this is – maybe, “Email List” or “LDAP server”
  5. Click next. Some additional fields will open up
  6. Server:
  7. Username and passwords: same as before. Yes, you have to type them again, don’t ask me why!
  8. Click the Next button. If everything goes as planned you’ll be taken to the next screen, with some sliders. Turn Mail and Calendars OFF, and Contacts ON.
  9. Click the Done button.

That should do the trick!