Tag Archives: ipad

iPad Backups- how and why

Scroll all the way down to fetch a PDF version of this info.
CLICK HERE for an update about Notability.

At the risk of stating the obvious, you should have your data backed up somewhere just in case, because you’d be surprised how often “just in case” happens with technology.

If you search the web for a how-to, you will see a lot of instructions that do not apply here at MDS because of how our systems are setup. Please, DO NOT attach your ipad to iTunes. That doesn’t work with the MDS iPads, and will actually create MORE problems for you.

Here’s what to do:

Step 1:  Make sure iCloud backup is setup.

Go into Settings –> iCloud, and make sure your AppleID is setup and your iPad is being backed up. If there IS no AppleID in the field, then you never set up iCloud. Come see the iPad Guy for some help.

Click the images for the larger version.

iCloud 1

After clicking the “Storage and Backups” button, you’ll see this screen. You can see if anything has been backed up, when the next backup will happen, and you can start a backup right now.
iCloud 2

Step 2: Get copies of your docs and pix onto Google Drive


Your version of iMovie may look different – NOT TO PANIC! Go the page where all of your imovie projects are listed. Look for the icon that’s circled below. Select it, and then send the movie to your Camera Roll. See below for moving Camera files to your Google drive.



You have a couple of options for saving Notability files – see the advice tips at the end of this section.

Click the “Sharing” icon, top left.


Select “All notes”, left side.

Click which notes you’d like to stash in Drive. Everything you select will have a blue checkmark.


Click the “Share” icon again.

Select “Google Drive”.


Pick a Destination [what folder], a format [ PDF, RTF, or Note – see advice below], and whether to save any audio notes you’ve recorded.

Then click “Send to Google Drive”.


noteability last

  • Save your Notability notes TWICE – once as a PDF, again as a Note.
  • RTF would only be good if you were to use the TEXT in a regular word processor on a laptop/desktop.


Set Notability to AUTOMATICALLY backup your Notes to Google drive by

  1. Firing up Notability
  2. On the “Library” screen [where you see all your categories and Dividers], get into Settings by clicking the Gear icon, bottom left.
  3. Accounts–> Setup–>Google Drive. It’ll ask you to login, and you’ll have to give permission for Notability to access this and that and the other. YES, give it permission.
  4. Auto-backup–>Google Drive. You’ll see a message about “now backing up to Google Drive as a PDF”. Click out of it.
  5. Click the Gear icon to the right of Google Drive in the list. Change the format to NOTE – you don’t want PDF, you want NOTE format.
  6. That way if something goes weird, you can IMPORT your notes directly into Notability from Google Drive, and you won’t have lost anything.

Camera [Pictures and Videos]

Fire up Google Drive

Hit the Upload icon [left side of screen]

Pix 1

Click the +, top right corner. Click “Upload Photos or Videos”

Pix 2

Click “Camera Roll”. Click what you want to upload, then click the Checkmark above the pictures.

Pix 3

After everything uploads, doublecheck in Google Drive that the pix are actually there.

Never trust a computer – especially when grades are involved!


How to backup ipad 2010108 – PDF version of this info.

Oh, no! My iPad is in Recovery mode!

Your iPad is in “Recovery Mode” when the screen looks like this:


Things NOT to do:

  • Do NOT attach it to iTunes
  • Do NOT try to restore it from a backup
  • Do NOT try to fix this yourself!

The instructions you’ll see on the web about getting your iPad out of this predicament are all helping people with their OWN iPads, not with iPads that are school owned.

Here’s what you SHOULD do:

  • Bring it by the Tech Cave [Upstairs Sheridan for high School, Library for the Middle School]
  • Middle School – you can also leave it with Mrs. Jones in the office. She’ll let the Tech Team know about it.
  • Put a post-it note on it with your name, and homeroom on it.

We will get it back to working order again.

Powerschool issues on the iPads

Obviously, if you don’t USE powerschool on the iPad, you can safely ignore this entry!
updated 11/8/13 – see below
If you are using the Powerschool App and you see empty classes after you login successfully, try these Tech Voodoo steps:
Reboot your ipad
Delete the app and redownload it.
If you are having this problem you are not alone.
If you are trying to use Powerschool on an iPad web browser [Safari, Chrome, etc]:
A> If you are trying to take attendance and the classes are showing up empty, try switching to the desktop site:
At the top left corner  of the page is a button that takes you back [NOT the browser’s back button!]
Keep clicking it until you see a list of links – the bottom one will say Exit to Main PS Site. Click it.
Attendance should work from that screen.
Exit to main PS site
B> Try deleting your cache:
For Safari:

Settings –> Safari
Click the “Clear Cookies and Data” button

For Chrome:

Fire up Chrome
Click the Menu icon [top right, looks like 3 lines]
Under Advanced –> Privacy

Click “Clear Cache” & “Clear Cookies, Site Data”