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One calendar to rule them all: Syncing Schoology Calendar and Google Calendar and iPad Calendar

Yes, you CAN share your Schoology Calendar with Google Calendar……AND with the built-in Calendar on the iPad…… AND you can share your Google Calendar or iPad Calendar with your Schoology Calendar. Essentially you need to get the iCal link from one and add it to the other. Details are below.

Which route to choose? Decide which calendar you would like to spend the most time in, and link the others to it.

WHY do this? You will have ONE place to check for calendar items, instead of two or three. It really is handy to have your Schoology due dates pop up in your iPad calendar.

How to put your Schoology Calendar into your Google Calendar:

  • In Schoology, first go to Account Settings [top right, click on your account icon, select Account Settings]
  • In the Account Settings tab, scroll down to the “SHARE YOUR SCHOOLOGY CALENDAR” section. Click the ENABLE button.
  • Copy the iCal link from the resulting dialogue box to the clipboard.
  • In another tab, surf to calendar.google.com. Make sure you are logged into the correct Google account. [You can also use the Google Calendar App
  • On the left side, click the plus sign next to “Other Calendars”, then select “FROM URL”
    • Paste that iCal link into the box, and click the “ADD CALENDAR” button. Do NOT “make the calendar publicly accessible”.
    • You should now be able to see all of your Schoology events in Google Calendar. [ The Google Calendar app is available in the MDS App Portal].

    How to put your Schoology Calendar into your iPad Calendar:

    • On your iPad, open up Schoology [LMS.mountdesales.net]
    • In Schoology, go to Account Settings [top right, click on your account icon, select Account Settings]
    • In the Account Settings tab, scroll down to the “SHARE YOUR SCHOOLOGY CALENDAR” section. Click the ENABLE button.
    • Copy the iCal link from the resulting dialogue box to the clipboard.
    • Open up the iPad Calendar. In the bottom right, click “ADD CALENDAR”, then “ADD SUBSCRIPTION CALENDAR”
    • Paste the iCal link you copied earlier, then click the ADD button.
    • Nor your Schoology dates will appear on your iPad automatically.

    How to put your iPad or Google calendar events into your Schoology calendar

    If you live in Schoology, it might be handier to put your Google Calendar or iPad Calendar events onto your Schoology Calendar.

    • Get the iCal link from your iPad Calendar or your Google Calendar
      • iPad Calendar:
        In the iCloud section in the list of calendars, pick which calendar you would like to access.
        Click the I button.
        Make the calendar Shareable.
        Click the SHARE LINK button, and COPY.
    • Google Calendar:
      Click the name of the Calendar you’d like to share [bottom left corner].
      Click the 3-dot menu, and select “Settings and Sharing”
    • In the Access Permissions for Events section:
      Click the “Get Shareable Link” button.
      Copy the link to the clipboard.

    Now that you have the link from the original calendar, import it into Schoology:

    • In Schoology, click the calendar icon at the top to access your Schoology Calendar.
    • At the bottom click the link IMPORT.
      In the dialogue box, click the URL tab, and paste the Link into the box.
      Click the IMPORT button.

    Now events from your other calendar should appear in Schoology.

    Create a Timeline in Google Sheets

    Original article is at https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-create-timeline-google-sheets/

    Visualize planned projects or historical events in a timeline created from a range of cells in Google Sheets on the web.

    [NOTE: This is done in a web browser
    on a desktop or laptop – NOT the ipad]

    Creating a timeline from Google Sheets

    In November 2022, Google Sheets added a timeline view, which lets you select a set of cells that contain text and dates and create a new spreadsheet tab that displays those items in a horizontal timeline where each event row displays as a discrete item in the timeline. This type of timeline may be most useful to visualize future events, such as project plans or forecasts. It also may aid understanding of past events, such as for after-action analysis or historical studies.

    To create or display timelines, you’ll need to use Google Sheets on the web with a desktop browser, such as Chrome.

    1. Enter events, dates and durations

    First, you’ll need to enter at least two pieces of data for each event you want to display in your timeline: An event name and a date. The event name should be a word — or a few words — that encapsulates the essence of the timeline event. The date simply needs to be any standard-format year, month and day.

    In many cases, you’ll also want to specify either an end date or duration of the event. This additional component of information allows the system to show not only single-day events, but also multi-day, multi-month or even multi-year events.

    The example spreadsheet in Figure A shows a sample software selection process, with columns that indicate an activity (column A) along with separate cells that specify a start date (column B) and end date (column C) of each phase.

    Figure A

    Enter events and dates, then select Insert > Timeline in Google Sheets on the web to create a timeline.
    Enter events and dates, then select Insert > Timeline in Google Sheets on the web to create a timeline.

    2. Create a timeline

    From within the spreadsheet with your entered events and dates, select Insert > Timeline. This brings up a prompt that allows you to enter the spreadsheet range for your timeline data. The example indicates that the timeline will use data in Sheet1 cells from A2 to C13, or Sheet1!A2:C13 (Figure A).

    Enter the range for your timeline events and dates, then select OK. The system will create and insert a new timeline sheet, as shown in the lower-left of Figure A, between Sheet 1 and Sheet 2.

    3. Modify scale

    The default display of a newly-created timeline may not necessarily place all events in view. You might select one of the longer-duration options from the timescale drop-down menu (e.g., days, weeks, months, quarters, years or multiyear) to adjust the view as desired. In Figure B, I selected Quarters, for example.

    Figure B

    Adjust the time scale for your timeline in Google Sheets as desired.
    Adjust the time scale for your timeline in Google Sheets as desired.

    4. Optional: Group items

    The timeline also supports the ability to group activities with the addition of another column of data. For example, you might add a column to indicate a person or team responsible for the event demarcated on each row. In Figure C, for example, column A contains the various groups responsible for each step: IT Leadership, All affected groups, Selection team, etc.

    Figure C

    You may enter an additional column of data in Google Sheets by which to group events.
    You may enter an additional column of data in Google Sheets by which to group events.

    To adjust the display so items are grouped by these general categories, select Settings (between the 100% indicator and the Support options), and then, choose the corresponding column for the Card group dropdown. Figure D, for example, shows the timeline events grouped by Column A content.

    Figure D

    Timeline events are shown here grouped by data in Column A of Google Sheets.
    Timeline events are shown here grouped by data in Column A of Google Sheets.

    5. Optional: Customize colors

    You may modify event colors in two different ways.

    First, within the spreadsheet, choose one or more cells, then select the pouring paint bucket icon, and pick a fill color. For example, cells in column A in Figure C are set to different colors to indicate different groups (eg., blue for IT Leadership and green for All affected people).

    Alternatively, from the timeline display, you may select an event, which then displays the Card details to the right of the spreadsheet (Figure E). From this side panel, you may select and then change the card color as desired. The side panel also offers an Edit data button, in the lower right, which when selected, returns you to the sheet that contains the source data for the timeline.

    Figure E

    To adjust an event box color in Google Sheets, either change the fill color for the event cell or select the displayed timeline event and modify the card color from the side panel.
    To adjust an event box color in Google Sheets, either change the fill color for the event cell or select the displayed timeline event and modify the card color from the side panel.