Tag Archives: error

“Your Cookies are Disabled” – trying to login to Drive or Moodle

If you get a red error message telling you that your cookies are disabled – and this prevents you from getting into Moodle, Drive, or setting up Notability to backup your notes to Drive, here are some steps to take:

1: Try a different web browser. You have three: Safari, Chrome, Firefox.

2:  Do the iPad Reboot Dance



3. Clear your Cache and Cookies


4. Shutdown your ipad before leaving home.  Don’t start it back up until you are on-campus.

5. If ALL of that fails, select
Settings –> General –> Reset  –> Reset All Settings.

You should get message telling you that settings will be reset but no data will be lost. If you do NOT see that message, CANCEL – because you selected the wrong option.


Come by the ARC if you have any questions!


Google Drive and Moodle – submitting an assignment errors

We’ve seen two issues popup when students are attempting to submit a file from Google Drive into Moodle.


Googlemoodle popup

This is NOT an error – just a point of information.
Like it says in the text:

just go back to the file picker and select the repository again, it should work now“.

Repository –> Google Drive

Googlemoodle sesskey
Click to see a bigger version.


The “sesskey” error happens because you were logged into Moodle, went somewhere else to a different network, and then came back to school. Here are some possible fixes:

1 • Use a different browser – you have two on your ipad!

2 • Swipe out of all of your apps, THEN reboot your iPad by holding down the top power button until the “swipe to turn off” slider appears.

3 • Clear your web browser cache:

  • Chrome
    • Fire up Chrome. Top right corner click the icon with 3 vertical dots
    • In the ADVANCED secion, click on “Privacy”
    • Click CLEAR ALL
  • Safari
    • Settings–> Safari
    • “Clear history & Website data”