Tag Archives: google

Google Drive and Moodle – submitting an assignment errors

We’ve seen two issues popup when students are attempting to submit a file from Google Drive into Moodle.


Googlemoodle popup

This is NOT an error – just a point of information.
Like it says in the text:

just go back to the file picker and select the repository again, it should work now“.

Repository –> Google Drive

Googlemoodle sesskey
Click to see a bigger version.


The “sesskey” error happens because you were logged into Moodle, went somewhere else to a different network, and then came back to school. Here are some possible fixes:

1 • Use a different browser – you have two on your ipad!

2 • Swipe out of all of your apps, THEN reboot your iPad by holding down the top power button until the “swipe to turn off” slider appears.

3 • Clear your web browser cache:

  • Chrome
    • Fire up Chrome. Top right corner click the icon with 3 vertical dots
    • In the ADVANCED secion, click on “Privacy”
    • Click CLEAR ALL
  • Safari
    • Settings–> Safari
    • “Clear history & Website data”

Submit Assignments into Moodle AWAY FROM YOUR iPAD!

Let’s assume for a moment that you have tried to submit a Google Drive file into a Moodle assignment  using your iPad – and it doesn’t work.

Let’s also assume that your Notability backups are working, and that the Notability document you just completed is already in your Drive.

  1. Get to a desktop or laptop [you can even do this using a smartphone, but it’s more aggravating].
  2. Fire up a web browser [Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.]
  3. Open up your Google drive by surfing to drive.google.com [or you could click the link]. login.
  4. Open up the Notability folder, just to make sure the file you need is there. If it isn’t, pull out your iPad and manually export the file from Notability to Google Drive.
  5. Open up a new tab. Get to and login to Moodle. Submit the file – you already know how to do that, right?

Now you know how to bypass a technical issue, get your assignment in on time, AND access your Drive-space away from your iPad.



Search better, faster – lesson plans & presentations

there are several videos and such that will help you to spend less time looking for stuff online.

….or click the links below to view the presentation. The links below go straight to the online presentation.

Pick the right search terms –>  Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced

Understanding Search Results –> Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced

Narrowing a search to get the best results –> Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced

Searching for Evidence – Research Tasks –> Beginner  | Advanced

Evaluating Credibility of Sources –> Beginner | Intermediate

The original page is at

Lesson Overview

Lesson Plan map