Get Ready for the Great 2022 iPad Turnin

Early Turnin – Upper School:

Wed – Fri May 11 – 13, probably in DS1. This is ONLY for those who want to turn in the iPads early, AND do not need them for exams.

Regular Turnin – Upper School

Exam week, Mon – Wed May 16-18, DURING SCHOOL HOURS, in the ARC. We will be open for an hour past the end of the last exam each day.

Regular Turnin – Middle School

Your teacher will let you know when they know. DO NOT BUG THEM ABOUT IT.


You can save yourself a TON of time by getting your ipad ready in advance.

  • Make sure your photos are backed up to Drive [CLICK HERE]
  • Make sure your Notability notes are being backed up [ CLICK HERE ]
  • Make sure your iPad has AT LEAST a 20% charge. We WILL NOT accept any iPad with less than that – you can either plug it in and wait, or come back later.
  • Bring your cable and charger. make sure it is an IPAD charger [larger], not an iPhone charger [ small].
  • Remove your Passcode.
How to backup your Notability Notes
How to backup your photos and videos

iPad: What’s that “Other” thing taking up so much space?

Much of this information is taken from

If you have ever checked your ipad [or iPhone] storage by going to
Settings –> Other –> iPad Storage
you will have seen the space taken up by apps, documents, video, audio, etc. — and then a mysterious “Other”.

The mysterious “Other” category

The “Other” category can be anything from a system update that has been downloaded but not installed, to web browser caches, logs, Siri voices, Messages, and many other odds and ends.

If your “Other” category has become bloated and taking up too much room on your iPad, here are some tricks to try and reduce it.

1] Do the iPad reboot dance.

2] Clear your Safari caches by going to Settings –> Safari –> Clear History and Website Data

iphone safari history

3] Change Messages to save fewer old messages.
Settings –> Messages –> Message History.
Change it from “Forever” to “30 days”.

4] If all else fails, and you don’t have enough room to install the system update – bring it to the ARC. We have other options there to help.

The article above has some additional options to explore if you are reading this article, trying to fix your personal device. Take a look!

Notes, Tips, Hints, & Answers