Category Archives: Make Tech Easier

How to Check Your Grades

Although there are a couple of ways to check your grades, here is the foolproof method.

NOTE: Grades are not available during the school day [there are certain specific days when grade access is left open – there are rare.]. If you try to check your grades when access is disabled, you will receive an error message.

LOG IN using your school ID (lunch code) starting with mds – example: mds12345
Enter your password as given by the school (used with LMS and Apple ID).
Students DO NOT create an account.
There are other ways to access grades, but this is recommended.

Again, grades are not available during school hours.
You may get a “disabled” or “unable to see grades” error during school hours.

CLICK HERE to get this information as a PDF.

The value of a hacked email account

Many people use the same password at difference sites – including for their email. So if your account info was among those hacked in the many online data thefts over the last few years, those passwords may be floating around.

[You can check to see if your email address is “out there”]

So of what possible value could your hacked email account be to the “bad guys”? Here are some ideas, from Krebs on Security:

Things a hacked email account can be used for

Want more details?