Category Archives: Make Tech Easier

Make the Internet Not-So-Scary

There are people [and machines that people set up] that are constantly scanning the internet, trying to see if there are holes or unlocked doors that they can get in.

This is really no different than real life – after all, we lock our cars because there are people who will walk through parking lots, trying doors to see what they can open and steal.

Online reflects real life in that sense – there are options and features that are cool or easy to use, and people to meet . There are also options and features that can be MISused [debit card fraud, to mention one thing.]

So “scared” isn’t a practical approach to online. “Cautious” and “Aware” are better approaches. Just like you lock your house and car – and maybe even purchase a security system – with the idea that it won’t prevent ALL thieves, but will hopefully prevent MOST….. take the same approach with online safety.

Here are some common sense practical things you can do to stay safe online. Sadly, we cannot guarantee you won’t get AGGRAVATED online…. that’s a whole ‘nother issue.

  1. Don’t reuse passwords. Seriously – just don’t. The criminals are cross-referencing information they steal from all these companies.
  2. Avoid using dictionary words in your passwords. ANY dictionary words. Remove the consonants, abbreviate, SOMETHING….. just don’t use words that are in any dictionary.
  3. Don’t give out your password to ANYONE. Even tech support won’t ask you for it.
  4. Don’t give out your social security number or any critical piece of information like that to anyone who calls you. Those threats that “your account will be shut down” or “you are going to be arrested if you don’t do this” are bogus. Report them.
  5. When a computer goes insane, it is NOT automatically a “virus”. Sometimes the computer hamsters just go out to lunch. When in doubt, shut the thing down, go get a nice beverage, and start it back up.
  6. Make SURE those apps your are downloading from the App store are legit. There are MANY stories online of “free apps” that actually did nefarious things – everything from bitcoin mining to swiping your entire phone contact list and passwords to eavesdropping. Note that Android devices are more susceptible, but IOS devices can also be messed with.

Aleks and iPads: The Fall 2019 edition

IOS 13 and Aleks have made some changes. If you are unable to get your Aleks work done on your iPad, try switching the version that your iPad is using – Mobile vs. Desktop.

Covered first: Safari, then Chrome, then Firefox.


  1. Call up Aleks website and login.
  2. Click on the little aA icon, to the left of the web address at the top of the window

3. Select “Request Mobile Site” or “Request Desktop Site”.

4. The page will reload. Test it to see if you can get your work done.

Switch Back to Mobile Site After Switching to Desktop Version on iPhone and iPad in Safari
Another View of how to switch which version of the site you want to use

Other ways in Safari:

There are two other ways to get to the “Request Desktop Site” selection:

  1. Touch and hold the REFRESH button at the top
  2. Tap on the SHARE icon [looks like a rectangle with an arrow pointing OUT of it]

Setting to request Desktop site from ALL websites, or not

  1. Settings –> Safari–> REquest Desktop Website [it is in the “SETTINGS FOR WEBSITES” section
  2. Set the slider as you wish – green = Desktop sites will be requested.


Click the three dots at the bottom of the webpage.


Click the three dots at the top of the window and “Request Desktop Site”

Organize your Drive Life


Because it makes your life easier, your stuff easier to find, saves you time, saves you stress and headaches…. do I really need to go on?


Create new folders by clicking on the big PLUS icon, and select NEW FOLDER.

Name it something that will HELP you know what’s inside – naming the folder “English Papers” is going to save you time because it’s easy to know what is in it. On the other hand, naming it “Verbage I couldn’t stand creating” will cost you time.

After you create your folders, click-n-drag your files into the correct folders. YES – this can be done using the Drive app on the iPad.

5 more tips

Taken from


Balance the number of files and folders – you can get TOO organized. For example, ONE folder called “English Papers” might be enough – you may NOT need “English Paper 1”, “English paper 2”, “English Paper 3” etc.

Think about what will make it EASY to find your stuff.


Name your files! DON’T leave them at the default “Untitled Document“. Name it something so that anyone with half-a-brain can tell what that document is about.


Making major changes? Make a copy, then add something at the end of the filename [“v2“, “v3“, etc.]

When you are working on a document, select File–> Save As Copy….. When working in Drive, you can right-click on the file icon and select “Duplicate this file”. Then right-click the copy and “Rename”.

Seriously, it’s worth the time.


Got a deadline? Put the date in the filename, so you’ll always know when it’s due.

MDS Tech suggests using this format: “2019-10-22 English – Projectname”….. but remember to use TWO digits for the months and days [09 for September, 06 for June, etc]. That will make it easier to find because of how the computer sorts things.



How does your brain work? What scheme will make it easy for YOU to find your stuff?

The key point is NOT to use a method that everyone else is using – although that might be a good start. The key is to make it easy for YOU to find your stuff.

…and a bonus tip:


It is FAR easier and takes MUCH less time to organize a few files than to organize a gazillion – which you might have in your Drive space by the time you are a Senior. Get started now organizing your sock drawer….er……. your Drivespace.