Problem: If your iPad all of a sudden stops working oncampus, it is most likely because your subscription to the network has expired.
It MUST be renewed every 30 days.
Symptoms: no email access, can’t print, can’t surf the web, but the wireless icon is still active.
Open up a web browser window.
Surf to an OFF-CAMPUS website you’ve never visited before. Perhaps, or, or… well, you get the idea. It MUST be off-campus, and MUST be somewhere you’ve never visited before.
Here’s how to clear the Cache and Cookies on your iPad web browsers.
For Safari:
Settings –> Safari
Click the “Clear Cookies and Data” button
For Chrome:
Fire up Chrome
Click the Menu icon [top right, looks like 3 lines]
Under Advanced –> Privacy
Click “Clear Cache” & “Clear Cookies, Site Data”
For Firefox:
Fire up Firefox
Click the menu, top right [looks like 3 lines]
Look for “Settings”
Clear Private Data
Select all the options and click “Clear Private Data”
Normally you set Notability to automatically backup your docs to Drive. Sometimes you need to reverse that process – pull some material from Drive into Notability.
Get your Dividers and Subjects setup in Notability
Select a location[folder] in Notability.
THEN select what to import. Drive is organized just like notability was – if you had folders/dividers in Notability, then you will see folders in Drive, inside the Notability folder. Your Notability selection is WHERE the files will be imported to.
You will need to do this for each folder/divider you set up.
Once you get Notability setup:
Open up Notability
Click the icon, top right, that looks like a square with an arrow going INTO it
Select Google Drive
It should automatically show you the Notability folder on your Drive.
Select what you’d like to import.
REMEMBER THAT Folders on Drive = “Subjects” in Notability.