HUDL video playback error

If you are having trouble uploading video to HUDL from your laptop. The app would upload the file and then give an error message. Below is the fix:

I can get the clips to upload into Hudl Mercury but when I click on them to review a red tab drops down saying: Error playing back video: Could not render any streams from the URI source.

The fix:

That’s just a quick setting that we need to change. Here are the steps you can follow to get that changed.

  1. Click the ffdshow folder in the Start Menu
  2. Click ‘Video Decoder Configuration’
  3. Click on ‘Codecs’ on the left side
  4. Make sure H.264/AVC,MPEG1,MPEG2,MPEG in AVI, Other MPEG2 all have the Decoder set to ‘libavcodec’
  5. Click ‘DirectShow control’ on the left and make sure only the first box is checked
  6. Click on ‘Output’ on the left
  7. Make sure the ‘Select closest matching colorspace‘ and ‘Set interface flag in output media type‘ are checked
  8. Make sure the ‘Set pixel aspect ratio in output media type‘ and ‘Allow output format changes during playback’ boxes are shaded Blue
  9. Click Apply and OK

Importing ExamView questions into Moodle

if you’d like the PDF file that is
complete with pretty screenshots.

  1. Download Moodle XML Builder
    It is free at:
  2. Create quiz/test in ExamView.
  3. Export as Blackboard File:  File–>Export–>Blackboard 6.0+
    1. Name your questions. In the directory name, it’s suggested that you use the same name as above with the word “pics” added to it.
    2. A zipped file has now been placed on the desktop.
  4. Under Programs, open Moodle XML Builder.
  5. Click on the folder to select the test file.
  6. Choose the zipped file that was placed on your desktop earlier.
  7. Click Start.
  8. The Moodle XML Builder will place a new file on your desktop:
  9. Open your class in Moodle.
  10. In the left column, under Administration, click on Question Bank.
  11. Choose Import.
  12. Choose Moodle XML Format and drag and drop your .xml file into the space provided.
  13. Click Import.
  14. Now, your questions have been imported into Moodle. Create a quiz as you would normally.
  15. Notice: This is an .xml file. You will  get an error message if you try and
    use the .tst file.


[Another MDS ARC production]

Kindle App – setup

Students – you will be receiving [if you haven’t already received it!] an email with your kindle account information.

Here is how to setup the Kindle app on your iPad.



• Open up the app. You should see this screen:

Kindle start

• Type in the account info given to you in the email, and login.

• You might have to click the “sync” button, at the bottom of the screen, to get the material to download:

settings kindle icons






You will have to “deregister” the app. This will NOT delete whatever you have purchased from Amazon – those items are still “in the cloud”, inside your Amazon account. They will just disappear from your iPad. Here’s how:

• Fire up the Kindle App.

• Click the Settings icon:

settings kindle icons


•  Click “Update”, next to your email address:

settings kindle



•  Then click the “Deregister” button.

deregister kindle



You should be taken to the beginning screen, where you can add your MDS kindle account information.


Notes, Tips, Hints, & Answers