Tag Archives: notability

My iPad can’t…..[problems]

Some basic things to check when your iPad is misbehaving  – weird problems like email not downloading, or not being able to download Moodle docs into Notability, etc.

1) Do you have any room open in your ipad?
2) Have you done the Reboot Dance lately?
3) Do you have an active internet connection?
Try surfing to an off-campus site you’ve never visited before – like www.hamsandwichtees.com
4) Are you on the correct network?
Make sure you’re on MDS-student and not MDS-tech in Settings
5) Is your OS up to date?
Settings –> General –> Software Update
If not, we can switch your network and get it updated at school [takes about an hour], or you can update it at home.
6) Have you tried the Moodle document download using a different web browser?

Notability: Drag-n-Drop in IOS 11

Imagine being able to drag and drop pretty much anything from another app into a Notability Note.

With  IOS 11, you can! [well, almost all the time.]

 It’s a fast way to move handwriting, text, and even entire notes into, out of, and within Notability. This guide describes everything you can do with Drag and Drop so far.

Dragging and dropping an item takes three steps:

  1. Select: Press and hold an item to select it.

    • Optionally, tap more items to select them, too.
  2. Drag: Drag the items into an app that supports Drag and Drop.

    • While dragging items, you can switch notes in Notability and even switch to completely different apps.
  3. Drop: Let go of the item to release it.

CLICK HERE for all the details.

You can save a LOT of time using this feature!

Is your iPad data backed up? MAKE SURE before disaster strikes.

We’ve had several students lately who have lost data because they had not correctly setup their backups – and then their iPads were either damaged or “the mysterious someone” reset their passcode.


Right now, while you are thinking about it, check to make sure your data is being backed up:

  1. Settings –> iCloud –> Backups ON. GO ahead and click the button to do a backup RIGHT NOW, since you’re there…….
  2. Drive –> Settings –> Photos.  YES, automatically backup your Pix and Vids to Drive. The other settings involved are your call [ they won’t make much difference since we are a Google school].
  3. Notability –> Gear icon, bottom left –> Autobackups –> Google Drive should have a checkmark. If it doesn’t, select it. You’ll be prompted through the signon process.



  • Settings –> iTunes. Sign in. The iPad Guy suggests using your personal AppleID [that way any music you buy will always be yours]. If you will never be buying music through iTunes, then it’s OK to use your MDS AppleID. [AND you can switch accounts later if things change].

    There IS an option to NOT have a credit card on the account – but you have to look for it on the screen where Apple asks for your credit card.

This betters the odds of doing a simple restore-from-iCloud if your machine croaks, as opposed to setting up from scratch and having the download all your backups manually.