Before turning in your busted iPad – things to do

If the iPad Guy has asked you to swap out your iPad, here is a list of things you need to do on your OLD iPad before turning it in.

If you can’t – because the screen is too damaged, etc. – then it’s possible you MIGHT lose some data. At the very least the process will be more inconvenient [as opposed to catastrophic].

  • Settings –> iCloud –> Backup. “BACKUP NOW”. Wait for it to complete – it will take a while.
  • Notability –> Settings [gear icon on the front screen]. Make SURE AutoUpdate is turned ON.
  • Drive –> Look inside the notability folder, make sure your latest notability stuff is there. Look inside the “Google Photos” folder – make sure your pix are there. If they aren’t, then manually copy them up to that folder [Plus icon, bottom right, select Photos album, click on the pictures that are missing, click the Blue Checkmark  to start the upload.]

Once this is done we can start working on your replacement iPad.

Move Pix/Vids from Drive to iPad

Sometimes you need to move a picture or video that you’ve stashed in Drive, so you can use in on your iPad [in iMovie, for example].

Here’s how:

  • Open up Drive and naviagate to the picture or video you want to use.
  • Click on it – it should open up so you can view it
  • Hold your finger on it. A window should popup that will give you the option to save it to your Photo Album.

From there you can import into iMovie, Textilus, etc.


So what happens when you copy the photo from Drive to your Photos, and then Drive copies all your Photos back up to Drive because of the setting. Do you get 2 copies of the photo? Hmmmm……….

Want Garageband or Numbers on your iPad?

Before you send that email to The iPad Guy telling him that you’d like to have either of these apps, make certain you have enough space on your iPad.

Garageband takes up 1.5 gig, and Numbers about .5 gig.

How to check:
Settings –> General –> About

What to do if you are short on space:

  • Delete pictures/videos in the Photos app – and then empty the album “Recently Deleted”
  • Go ahead and do the system update that you’ve been putting off [Settings –> General –> Software Update]
  • If you have a gazillion unread emails, go into Settings –>Email, and delete the account. Then set it back up [HINT: Google account]. This will NOT delete the emails, just the copies that were sitting on your iPad.

There are other articles on the Tech with additional suggestions. Do a search.


Notes, Tips, Hints, & Answers