Notability: New Features you should play with


Widgets are the tiles on your iPad that give you the Weather, News, Photos, etc. They are VERY customizable [for example, are you tired of seeing the weather Cupertino? CHANGE IT!].

The Notability widgets lives on your HomeScreen, and you can use it to create a new note, access a specific note [Long press the widget, then select the note you want to have quick access to], and view your Recent Notes.

CLICK HERE for more details.


You can rename and sort a note, all within the note Info screen.

You can also more easily import multiple documents into Notability at the same time., instead of having to do one at a time.

You can HIDE the status bar, if you’d like more screen devoted to note taking.


This is a tool that can help you learn from your notes. Use the tape tool to cover over the notes – see if you remember the material, and then tap to reveal the hidden areas.

CLICK HERE to read more, and view a video that demonstrates it.

SENIORS: Take your Data with you [from Google Workspace]

There are already a few articles on this site that talk about taking your data with you when you graduate:

Every Fall MDS Tech gets phone calls or emails from recently graduated students who want to access their Drivespace. Every Fall we tell them their data is gone, because we delete the accounts during summer.


Here’s another article with more detail on how to merge multiple mail accounts, calendars, drive material, etc.

Although this process is hardly painless, here are the step-by-step instructions—along with a few automated workflows—to help you transfer your data in less time and with fewer headaches than you might think.

There’s also no way to merge multiple Google Drive or Google Photos accounts together. But you can merge your files and photos into a different Google account

Watch out for Spam!

If you get an email with a block asking you to “click here” – BEWARE!

This particular email supposedly came from AT&T, and was delivered to several students recently. Notice that line at the bottom, which says it came from “Veterans United Home Mortgage Reviews” and “Intuit Credit Karma” – not exactly the same at AT&T!

DO NOT CLICK – just delete it. If you aren’t sure if it is legit or not, PLEASE check with MDS Tech. Don’t be shy!

Notes, Tips, Hints, & Answers