My iPad can’t…..[problems]

Some basic things to check when your iPad is misbehaving  – weird problems like email not downloading, or not being able to download Moodle docs into Notability, etc.

1) Do you have any room open in your ipad?
2) Have you done the Reboot Dance lately?
3) Do you have an active internet connection?
Try surfing to an off-campus site you’ve never visited before – like
4) Are you on the correct network?
Make sure you’re on MDS-student and not MDS-tech in Settings
5) Is your OS up to date?
Settings –> General –> Software Update
If not, we can switch your network and get it updated at school [takes about an hour], or you can update it at home.
6) Have you tried the Moodle document download using a different web browser?

Think you can Multitask? Think Again.

The Tech team has noticed students with 2 windows open on their desktops in the labs – one window with the class info open, the other with a game.

I’M MULTITASKING“, said one student.

“No, you aren’t. The human brain physiologically cannot multitask”, said the Computer Curmudgeon.

Bottom Line: When you THINK you are “multi-tasking” you are actually “serial mono-tasking” – i.e. doing one thing, then switching over to do the second, and back and forth. This results in doing NEITHER well – and when one of those things involves a grade, it’s not a good idea to risk that.

Don’t believe me? Read on:


Still think you can multitask? Think again.


Notes, Tips, Hints, & Answers