Notability, part 1

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What’s covered:

Google Drive, email setup on your iPad

  1. Opening screen overview
  2. Bottom left corner icons: i=Contact developer, ? = help, gear = settings
  3. Manage Accounts –> connect Notability with Google drive, Dropbox, Box accounts
  4. Autobackup – backup options
  5. iCloud – useful if you have multiple IOS devices connected to the same iCloud AppleID AND you have Notability installed on both. Auto-syncs notes on the devices.
  6. Themes – change the look
  7. Document, Typing – setup the defaults
  8. Handwriting – zoom mode –> how to access. Left-handed mode, only useful if you are a lefty who curls your hand around the top to write.

Organization: Notes get stashed into “Subjects”, which can be grouped inside “Dividers”

Two kinds of graphics: Bitmap = Paint on the Screen vs. Vector=Math formula.

  • Bitmap = scissors tool used to slice/dice/move around
  • Vector = Text. Can change size with no loss in quality.