Category Archives: iPads

Photon EDU Setup

Photon EDU is a flash-enabled web browser we’ll be using – but before you can use it, there is some setup you have to do.

1. Start up Photon EDU

2. You’ll see some instructions. Read them [you might want to make some notes – you aren’t going to remember that stuff later!]. At the end you should see a page that says

If you have a school site license key already……” – and then a link that says “enter it here“.

3. Click “enter it here“.

If you don’t see any of that, CLICK HERE to go to

4. Put YOUR NAME in the “Name Your Device” field

5. Site License Key is 2251452

6. PassKey is a54d7854

7. Click the Submit button.

Now you can use Photon.  If there is a site you’d like to add to the list, please talk to your teacher – but you’ll need to give a good reason why it should be added!