Category Archives: Student

Kindle App – setup

Students – you will be receiving [if you haven’t already received it!] an email with your kindle account information.

Here is how to setup the Kindle app on your iPad.



• Open up the app. You should see this screen:

Kindle start

• Type in the account info given to you in the email, and login.

• You might have to click the “sync” button, at the bottom of the screen, to get the material to download:

settings kindle icons






You will have to “deregister” the app. This will NOT delete whatever you have purchased from Amazon – those items are still “in the cloud”, inside your Amazon account. They will just disappear from your iPad. Here’s how:

• Fire up the Kindle App.

• Click the Settings icon:

settings kindle icons


•  Click “Update”, next to your email address:

settings kindle



•  Then click the “Deregister” button.

deregister kindle



You should be taken to the beginning screen, where you can add your MDS kindle account information.


iPad: Make your battery’s charge last longer

Want to make your battery last longer in your iPad [or iphone, for that matter]?

  • Turn off as many Notifications as you can
  • Decrease the brightness of the display
  • Tell the Wi-Fi NOT to ask me to join new networks
  • Turn off the “Motion” setting for backgrounds
  • Turn off automatic app updates
  • Go into “Background App Refresh” and disable a bunch of apps. The more you disable this feature, the longer your battery will last.

Another tip to make your battery last longer: Charge it to full as often as possible. That’s the official word from Apple.

So put it on your charger EVERY night.

Original article HERE

iPad Setup: August 2014 edition

Here are the concise instructions for getting the first part of your iPad setup.

Click here –>iPad handout 2014
if you’d like the PDF version of today’s presentation.

1. If your Moodle/email password does NOT have

  • at least one uppercase letter
  • at least one lowercase letter
  • at least one number

Then you need to create an “iCloud” password from your Moodle password by :

  • if missing an uppercase letter –> Make the first letter uppercase
  • if missing a lowercase letter –> Make the first letter lowercase
  • if missing a number –> Add the number 1871 to your Moodle password

Call this your “iCloud” password. Write it down.

2. Join a wireless network

  • Settings –>  Wi-Fi
  • Select a network [MDS-Student if on campus]
  • MDS-Student should popup a login page

3. AppleID setup, part one

  • Settings –> iCloud
  • Click the button to create a new account
  • You’ll have a multi-step dance to waltz through. Use your common sense and follow the directions.
  • Use your MDS email address [] plus your moodle password [or your modified moodle password from step 1].
  • The security questions are used if you forget your password.
  • IF you get an error message that says something like “this email address has already been used” –> you have already used your MDS email account on another Apple device. In this case, log in using the fields at the top of the screen. If you don’t know your password, retrieve it [Click the ‘I forgot my password’ button]

4. Mail setup

Although you can check your email at, it is much easier to check it using the Mail app. To set it up:

  • Settings → Mail
  • Add Account
  • Google
  • Email is
  • password is your Moodle password
  • Description – I use “MDS”
  • Click NEXT
  • If you see four checkmarks = It worked!
  • If you get an error message “Username or Password incorrect”, then you probably typed something incorrectly.

5. Setup Google Drive

  • Search for “Drive”.
  • Click it to crank it up
  • 1st login screen: JUST mds email. Don’t bother with your apssword – it’s going to ask for it again.
  • 2nd login screen: email & password
  • You will probably have to agree to the terms and conditions.

6. iCloud setup, part 2

  • Find MAIL app.
  • You should an email from Apple. Open it.
  • Click on the Verify link
  • Login to AppleID site using your mds email address and Moodle/Modified Moodle password
  • Once that’s done, switch to Settings → iCloud
  • Click Storage & Backup button.
  • Turn on iCloud Backup.

7. Meraki Systems Manager – MODIFIED Thursday 08/14/14

  1. Find the Meraki MDM app and start it up.
  2. IF –> you see a list of networks, click “All iPads”. You will see a series of boxes asking you to install. YES, you REALLY DO want to install it!
  3. IF –> you get an error, and then an area to type something in [and a couple of buttons including one that says QR code], then type this number in: 016 989 9899 and press REGISTER
  4. You MIGHT get a box saying that Location Services must be turned on for this App. It Click the “settings” button, and you’ll be taken to Location Services. Turn it ON [make the slider green]. and then move the slider next to MerakiMDM.
  5. If it asks about Weather using location services – that’s up to you. Turning it on for the weather app will let the app give you the weather for your current location.
  6. Switch back to the meraki app, just to make sure that there’s a checkmark by “All iPads”. If there is, you’re done!
  7. If this doesn’t work please check with me in the ARC Tech Cave.