If your screen is going dark/blank too often – and if you are in Cuddy and having trouble getting your audio to go through the projector [and you are using the HDMI cables], here are the fixes:
The screen going dark is in Control Panel –> Power Options. Select “Balanced”, then “Change Plan Settings”.

Change it, and then Click the Save Changes button. Feel free to tweak, and even check the advanced power settings – the worst that can happen is you pick something that you don’t like and can change.
As far as the sound – Plug in the HDMI [projector] cable. Open up Control Panels –> sound.
You should see two icons – one refers to the internal speakers [it might say “realtek”]. the other refers to the HDMI cable [I think it says “high definition”].
Click the HDMI one, then click the “Set Default” button, then the “Apply” button.
Other things to check soundwise:
- Volume on the wall plate
- Audio mute on the wall plate
- Laptop audio not muted
- Laptop audio volume up