Tag Archives: dead

iPad Battery Checkout

Recharge your iPad on the go

If you are tired of being stressed out because you forgot to charge your iPad last night like you were supposed to – swing by the ARC and pick up a battery.

We have a limited number of batteries available for checkout.

Available in the ARC – but there are a few things you have to take care of

The Procedure:

  1. Fill out the form at the counter in the ARC
  2. Leave some collateral with Mrs. Andrews [cell phone, keys, etc]. Note that your younger sibling is NOT acceptable collateral!
  3. Mrs. Andrews will hand the battery to you. It will charge your iPad twice over – but that takes several hours!
  4. When done with it, hand it to MRS. ANDREWS. DEADLINE: Before Flex.

NOTE: You will be responsible for any damage to the battery or cable – EVEN IF SOMEONE ELSE DID IT.

The Form. Each battery has a number on it.