Dark Apps – Can’t get my typing done – help!

Sometimes when MDS Tech pushes out app updates on the iPads it takes a while for everything to get updated.

The first things you need to do:

  • Swipe out of all your running apps, shutdown, reboot, and WAIT. [Search for “iPad Reboot Dance” here on the tech site.]
  • Make sure you have enough open storage on your iPad [Settings –> General –> About. If the number is well below 500 megabytes/.5gigabytes, you need to do some housecleaning. What’s Taking Up All Your Storage?]
  • When you get home, plug your iPad in.
  • Confirm you are connected to the internet {try going to a webpage that you’ve never visited before – hamsandwichtees.com, for example]
  • Check to see if you have a system update [Settings–>General–>Software Update] IF YOU DO< – UPDATE YOUR SYSTEM!
  • Then leave it alone.


Why? You Have OPTIONS!

Have typing to do? Here are several ways to type EVEN IF your word processor of choice is not available at the moment:


  • Pencil and Paper
  • Notes app
  • Textilus
  • Notability
  • Google Docs
  • Fire up a web browser, login to Drive, start a new Google Doc inside the web browser
  • Use any of the above to create the text. Shoot a screen shot. Email it to yourself.
  • …..or use Google Drive to do OCR on the picture – which converts the letters in the picture it to text that you can edit.
  • Type the material, take a picture using your phone, email it to yourself.

Other computers:

  • Type your material using Docs on your Google drive [login.mountdesales.net, Drive, NEW–> Google Doc]. Once done, you could copy/paste the material into an email, share a link, download it as a PDF or Word document…… what makes sense depends on your teacher and the assignment.
  • You COULD use your phone, but I really do not recommend it unless it’s only one sentence. You DO want to have a life, right? A phone screen takes way too long, and it prevents you from seeing the whole things you’ve typed – that means MORE mistakes, lower grade, etc.
  • There are computers available in the ARC ADN in SH206 [when there is no class in session in the room].
  • Pencil and Paper!

Need even more ideas? Contact the iPad guy.

Is your iPad data backed up? MAKE SURE before disaster strikes.

We’ve had several students lately who have lost data because they had not correctly setup their backups – and then their iPads were either damaged or “the mysterious someone” reset their passcode.


Right now, while you are thinking about it, check to make sure your data is being backed up:

  1. Settings –> iCloud –> Backups ON. GO ahead and click the button to do a backup RIGHT NOW, since you’re there…….
  2. Drive –> Settings –> Photos.  YES, automatically backup your Pix and Vids to Drive. The other settings involved are your call [ they won’t make much difference since we are a Google school].
  3. Notability –> Gear icon, bottom left –> Autobackups –> Google Drive should have a checkmark. If it doesn’t, select it. You’ll be prompted through the signon process.



  • Settings –> iTunes. Sign in. The iPad Guy suggests using your personal AppleID [that way any music you buy will always be yours]. If you will never be buying music through iTunes, then it’s OK to use your MDS AppleID. [AND you can switch accounts later if things change].

    There IS an option to NOT have a credit card on the account – but you have to look for it on the screen where Apple asks for your credit card.

This betters the odds of doing a simple restore-from-iCloud if your machine croaks, as opposed to setting up from scratch and having the download all your backups manually.

Macs and Antivirus – an opinion

The iPad Guy has also been known as the MaconMacGuy for a “good while now” – and sometimes gets asked about running antivirus software for the Mac.

In general, Macs are less susceptible to getting nailed with a true virus. HOWEVER – we have seen a couple of annoyances on Macs laptops, where the laptop owner visited a site that had been infected. The site ran some code that changed the homepage and search engine settings for the affected machine.

There have also been a few instances in the last several months of Mac attacks being seen “in the wild”. They are generally fairly arcane, but they are still “out there”.

So while the Macs are indeed less susceptible to virus attacks than WIndows machine, they are BY NO MEANS invulnerable.

Here’s an article with more info:


Notes, Tips, Hints, & Answers