Category Archives: Google

Search the Internet without wasting time

This article will get you started searching the internet, and keep you from wasting time while doing it – assuming you don’t WANT to waste time! It is NOT going to be exhaustive, and will not show even HALF the techniques that MDStech knows. It will, however, get you started.

The Goal:

Find the information you seek in ONE attempt.

First, WHY?

You search the ‘net quite often for information. You actually search a lot more than you think, because EVERY time you look for something – whether its on Amazon, or eBay, Instagram, Facebook, Tunblr, Twitter, or a search engine – you can use these principles EVERYWHERE you search.

Imagine the time you can save.

Second, WHAT?

Let’s stick with Search Engines. Most people use 1 or at most 2. There are literally hundreds of search engines out there – and NONE of them cover the entire internet. [Not even Google].

To keep things simple, let’s group search engines into 2 categories:

  1. Regular
  2. Meta


1. Regular search engines – like Google or Bing – take the words you type into the search box [the “keywords”] and try to find webpages that they previously discovered [“crawled”] that matches your words.

They don’t really understand the meaning of words, though – which is why you will get a mixture of results ranging from crossing a river to a car manufacturer if you search for the word “ford”.

2. Meta enginesClick here for a list – search other search engines and combine the results into one list. The advantage of Meta engines is that each of the “regular” engines knows about different parts of the internet. Thus, by searching several engines at the same time, you can cover MORE of the internet to find your information.

Third – HOW? part 1




Those three words can be very powerful, and can help you find your info in ONE try – when combined with the tips in part 2, below.

You can tell your search engine to search for

first word AND second word AND third word

This would make the engine look for web pages that HAVE to contain all three words.

You can tell your search engine to search for

first word OR second word OR third word

This would make the engine look web pages that HAVE to contain only ONE of the words

You can tell your search engine to search for

first word NOT second word

This would tell the engine to list any webpages that contain the first word, but only if they do NOT contain the second word.


ford and chevy and honda
The results HAVE to have all three car brands

ford OR chevy OR honda
The results must have only ONE of the three words
To be honest, this one is not used much at all

ford NOT car NOT truck NOT vehicle
The results will have the word “ford” in it, but hopefully you won’t get any results relating to Ford Motor Company.

HOW you tell the engine to do this depends on the engine. Check the engine’s help pages.

[Often, just typing the keywords gets you an AND search. Putting a minus sign in front of a keyboard means NOT. Try it and see if it works.]

Fourth – HOW? Part 2

How do you come up with the words to type in that search box? Ah, THERE’s the secret sauce to search.

Step One: The Question

Phrase your search in the form of a question. Write it down until you get the hang of this.

HINT: The more specific the question, the better the chance you’ll get this done in one try.


Step Two: Underline

Underline the important words.

Step Three: Keywords

Those underlined words are your keywords. Type them into the search engine.

Step Four: READ the results.

Actually look at the descriptions to see what will LIKELY give you the answer you seek. Doublecheck the web address to see if it looks like a legit source [Hint: probably isn’t a good choice.]

Step Five: Go to Page Two.

Sometimes the answers you seek are on page two or three.

Step Six: Synonyms

If you haven’t found the results, look at your keywords. Is there another way to phrase it? Are there any synonyms you could use?

For example, instead of “rain”, you could use “downpour”, “weather”, “inclement weather”, “precipitation”

You have a Thesaurus on your iPad.


You look at your shoe, and see the shoelace has this little thing on the end of it, and start wondering if that thing has a name,

Step 1: Phrase it in the form of a question.

What is that thing on the end of my shoelace called?

Step 2: Underline the important words

What is that thing on the end of my shoelace called?

Step 3: Type those underlined words into your search engine of choice.

If that doesn’t work, make sure to check page 2 and 3 of the results. Or you could try using a synonym – “name” instead of “called”, for example.

Take your Google Stuff with you

When you leave these hallowed grounds… CAN take your Google Docs with you.

  • Login to your Drive or email [ is a handy way]
  • Open a new tab [Control-T, usually]
  • Surf to
  • Select what you want to take with you
  • Select the best options for you – waiting for the download, or getting an email when the archive is ready to download. [Hint: It will probably take a while for the archive to be available]

The Wikipedia explanation:

How to Use Takout [from UConn]:



You can’t just upload that archive into a new Google account.  Google Takeout is outbound only, there is no inbound/restore function.  But the following will help if that’s what you want to do.
[CAVEAT: These have NOT been tested by Mds TEch, so your mileage may vary….Please let Tech know how it goes!]
Transfer messages a generic IMAP utility which can work with any provider that supports IMAP.
When both accounts are with Gmail, you can use the following backup/recovery tool to move the messages (this will include labels)
Transfer contacts (export/import):  (export from other providers)

Are my iPad files being backed up?

Here’s how to make sure your Notability files and Pix/Videos are backed up.


  1. Open Google Drive. Look for for the folder “Notability” – nose around to see if that last thing you created is there. If so, things are working.
  2. OR In Notability, create a new note. Scrawl something on there, then exit the note. Look at the bottom left corner – you should see the “Backing Up” circle go. If so, then things are backing up.
  3. If things are NOT working, then call up settings [the Gear icon, bottom left], select AutoBackup. Login to Google Drive. The defaults [/Notability folder, PDF format] work well.

Pix & Vids to Drive

  1. Open up Drive App
  2. Click the “hamburger menu” – the 3 stacked lines, top left
  3. Select Settings–> Photos
  4. Turn “Google Photos Folder” AND “Auto Backup” ON. The WiFi/Cellular settings don’t matter since your iPad does NOT have a cell radio.
  5. You should see a “Google Photos” folder – all of your pix and videos will be there after they finish uploading.
  6. NOTE: Deleting a photo/video on your iPad DOES NOT delete them from Drive.