Category Archives: Apps

TEXTILUS part 1: Opening, new document, settings

This is the first in a series of articles on setting up and using Textilus, the word processing app MDS is using on the iPads.

Part 1 will cover opening the app, look at some of the links and icons on the opening screen, and deal with setting some of the layout options [including setting the default font, linespacing, and page layout]


Here’s the screen when opening up the app.

I already have a file in my library, plus a folder that contains sample documents.

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Click on the LOCATIONS link at top left gets you this screen.

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Notice that storing document in your iCloud account is an option. You can then retrieve them on a desktop machine by surfing to and logging in.

The GEAR icon, top right, has these options:

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WARNING: IF YOU SET A PASSCODE AND THEN FORGET IT, the MDS tech team CANNOT help you. You will have lost your data.

You can email a backup of all your papers to yourself for safekeeping. This is a GOOD idea, especially when your library contains College Application essays, term papers, etc.

The WIFI TRANSFER option can be used to share documents. Be warned, though, that MDS takes a VERY dim view of plagiarism and cheating. I suggest you doublecheck with your teacher to make sure it’s ok to share.


The PLUS icon options:

Textilus 1 D

This is where you create a new document and folder. Notice you can also pull a file down from several different Cloud Services [Drive, iCloud, etc] – AND you can scan a physical document into Textilus.


Click the SELECT link at top right, and you see this:

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After clicking SELECT and then a document:

The EXPORT icon lets you send the document to a variety of places.

Use “Add to Template Chooser” after you setup an initial document with all your settings [like margins and fonts and headers and such hint hint] to add that setup to the Template Chooser. It would save some time later, trust me.

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The FOLDER icon is how you create a new folder, or move a document into a folder.

Save time and mental stress – keep your papers organized.

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The TRASH CAN icon is how you delete files. Click

  • the document,
  • the trash can,
  • then the “MOVE TO TRASH” link.

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The WRENCH is yet another way to mail a document.

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Clicking the SAMPLES icon opens up a folder that contains folders

There are many documents in here that show you what’s possible with textilus. Take some time to nose around and see what can be done.

Start getting outside your little mental box!

Textilus 1 J




Once you have a document created and opened, here are some instructions on setting up some of your document parameters.


  • Click on a word with your finger, and hold your finger down until this box pops up. Since we are changing settings for the entire document, SELECT ALL is the best choice.
  • If you don’t have anything to select yet, go ahead and type a few words.

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SECOND step: After some text is selected, Click the “t” icon, top right. You’ll see Style, Color, and Layout tabs, along with several additional options.

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THIRD STEP: Let’s set the layout first.

Click the LAYOUT tab.

Set your LINE SPACING to 2.0 by clicking the + sign.  What you see in the graphic is what you’ll need to have 1 inch margins all the way around.

Now click on PAGE SIZE.

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“Letter” is what you want for English papers at MDS.

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FOURTH STEP: Now click on the STYLE tab.

  • Click FONT
  • Select TIMES NEW ROMAN from the list.
  • Click on the i icon next to TIMES NEW ROMAN. Make sure “Regular” is selected.
  • Go back to the Style tab.
  • Make the font size 12.

Now that you have things setup, click the button SET AS DEFAULT FOR NEW DOCUMENTS. These settings will automatically be there when you create a new document.

NOTICE: you can create User Styles. I STRONGLY suggest you create a user style for the Works Cited page [with a hanging indent], and then perhaps some indented text [for when you quote someone]. More on that in Part 2 of the series.

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The key to learning this software is to PLAY with it when NOT UNDER A DEADLINE. It’s really difficult to compose text, type it, keep track of the formatting, AND mess around with the software.

So reduce your stress in advance – play with the software BEFORE you absolutely have to use it a create a paper.

Keynote: How to present student keynotes in classroom

Some ideas and possibilities for showing student created Keynote in class:

Option 1:

Use dongle to connect iPad to projector.

Option 2:

  • Students export their Keynote as a Powerpoint
  • They either email them to you OR stash them on Drive and share the file with you
  • You open the file in Powerpoint and hit play OR
  • You also MIGHT be able to just open it by clicking on the file while in Google Drive – it just might play in the browser window.

Option 3:

  • Kids export their Keynote to iCloud.
  • On your laptop, open a new web browser window, and surf to
  • They login with their AppleID and password [should be their Moodle password, some might have 1871 added to the end].
  • They can play their Keynote presentation inside the web browser window.

Option 4:

If there is not a need for animation:

  • Students export the keynote as a PDF.
  • They email it to you OR stash in Google Drive.
  • You open it up on the laptop, and just display the PDF file.

Kindle App – how to use


Here is some info from the web
on using the Kindle app.



To download titles your device must be connected to a wireless or data network, but you do not need to connect your device to a wireless or data network to view titles that you have already downloaded.

View all content in your Kindle library:

Tap the Menu icon and then tap All Items.

Switch between content stored in the cloud and on the device:

While in a content library, tap the Cloud and Device option at the bottom of the screen.

Check for recent content:

Tap the Menu icon and then tap Sync.

Remove content from your device:

While in a content library, press and hold an item, and then select the Remove from Device option. This does NOT delete the document from your account – it can be downloaded again later.

Sort content on your home screen:

  • Sort by content type:
    Tap the Menu icon to sort content by All Items, Books, Newsstand, Docs, or Collections.
  • Filter by title, author, or recent:
    Tap the Sort icon to sort titles by Recent, Title, or Author.

Change the display of your content:

  • Display title covers in a grid: Tap the Grid icon.
  • Display the title covers in a list: Tap the List icon.


CLICK HERE to learn more, including how to

  • change font/size/etc.
  • Add bookmarks
  • Change locations in the book
  • Explore the book with X-ray [may not work with all documents]
  • Add highlights
  • Add notes
  • Look up words in a dictionary