iMovie – tips for creating

Quick notes for how to create an excellent iMovie:

All the special effects and jazzy stuff on the planet
can’t make up for zero content.


Production Process:

  1. PLAN / Outline – do this on paper. Get a list of what you want to say, and what shots/footage/audio you’ll need.
  2. Gather Material – collect all your parts. Take notes on paper, listing what you’ve collected. Seriously, this will save you TONS of time and aggravation.

    I suggest using the Camera app to shoot your material instead of using iMovie. It’s faster.

  3. Start iMovie Project
  4. Import Material – from the camera roll, or wherever else you’ve stashed it.
  5. Editing – making all the parts fit

    Clips added/arranged/changed

    Add transitions

    Add special effects

    Add titles

    Add/edit audio [check volume levels!]

HELP is your friend!

So is a web search [Could search “iMovie iPad how add narration”, for example]


Want to learn how to shoot better videos? Caleb Rule [graduated from GCSU in Mass Communication] recorded some basic tips complete with examples that are posted on the MDS Tech Youtube channel [and on the WMDS portal as well].

CLICK HERE for the Youtube videos.

WMDS portal videos [must be logged in];

  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3 – it’s in the “Video Production” category