Category Archives: iPads

TENTATIVE Middle School App list

Here’s the TENTATIVE app list for the middle school ipads. This post will be deleted once everything is settled.

Below you have 4 tables. First the list for each grade alone, then a single table marking which grade gets which app.

These lists are mostly correct – but don’t tar&feather me if they aren’t!

6th grade:

Category name
Art Color uncovered
Core Adobe Reader
Core Chrome
Core Google Drive & Docs & Sheets
Core iBooks
Core iTunes U
Core Kindle
Core Meraki
Core Notability
Core Pearson eText
Core Pearson eText for Schools
Core Photon
Core PowerSchool [student] – Pearson
Create Animoto Video Maker
Create Educreations
Create GarageBand
Create iMovie
Create Inkflow Visual notebook
Create Inspiration Maps
Create Keynote
Create Paper
Create Prezi
Create SketchBookX
Create TaaDaa SLR
Create Whiteboard lite: Collaborative Drawing
Create Zamurai
English iThesaurus
English Merriam Webster Dictionary
English Spelling City
General BrainPOP Featured Movie
General Checkers
General Chess
General Chess – Learn Chess
General Edmodo
General Flashcards*
General Flashcards+
General Google Earth
General Khan Academy
General myHomework student planner
General Quizzam!
General Show of hands
General Socrative
General TapTyping free
Hist etc Flags and Capitals
Hist etc LineTime: World History
Hist etc Stack the Countries
Hist etc Stack the States
Hist etc This Day on history
Hist etc Today in History
Hist etc World Book: This Day
Lang Duolingo
Lang French Living Language
Lang Spanish – Living Language
Math Calculator Pro Free
Math Conundra Math
Math GeoGebra
Math iKnockout
Math Jumbo Calculator
Music piaScore
Music Prelude – basic notation
Music ScoreCloud
Science Building Atoms HD lite
Science NASA App HD
Science NASA Science
Science NASA TV
Science NASA Visualization Explorer
Text McGraw-Hill ConnectED
Theology Catholic NAB Revised
Theology iMassExplained
Theology Quandary
Theology The Pope App


7th grade

Category name
Art Color uncovered
Core Adobe Reader
Core Chrome
Core Google Drive & Docs & Sheets
Core iBooks
Core iTunes U
Core Kindle
Core Meraki
Core Notability
Core Pearson eText
Core Pearson eText for Schools
Core Photon
Core PowerSchool [student] – Pearson
Create Animoto Video Maker
Create Educreations
Create GarageBand
Create iMovie
Create Inkflow Visual notebook
Create Inspiration Maps
Create Keynote
Create Paper
Create Prezi
Create SketchBookX
Create TaaDaa SLR
Create Whiteboard lite: Collaborative Drawing
Create Zamurai
English iThesaurus
English Merriam Webster Dictionary
English Spelling City
General BrainPOP Featured Movie
General Checkers
General Chess
General Chess – Learn Chess
General Edmodo
General Flashcards*
General Flashcards+
General Google Earth
General Khan Academy
General Moodle Mobile
General myHomework student planner
General Quizzam!
General Show of hands
General Socrative
General TapTyping free
Hist etc LineTime: President’s
Hist etc LineTime: World History
Hist etc This Day on history
Hist etc Today in History
Hist etc World Book: This Day
Lang Duolingo
Lang French Living Language
Lang Spanish – Living Language
Math Calculator Pro Free
Math Conundra Math
Math GeoGebra
Math iKnockout
Math Jumbo Calculator
Science Building Atoms HD lite
Science NASA App HD
Science NASA Science
Science NASA TV
Science NASA Visualization Explorer
Text McGraw-Hill ConnectED
Theology Catholic NAB Revised
Theology iMassExplained
Theology Quandary
Theology The Pope App


8th Grade

Category name
Art Color uncovered
Core Adobe Reader
Core Chrome
Core Google Drive & Docs & Sheets
Core iBooks
Core iTunes U
Core Kindle
Core Meraki
Core Notability
Core Pearson eText
Core Pearson eText for Schools
Core Photon
Core PowerSchool [student] – Pearson
Create Animoto Video Maker
Create Educreations
Create GarageBand
Create iMovie
Create Inkflow Visual notebook
Create Inspiration Maps
Create Keynote
Create Paper
Create Prezi
Create SketchBookX
Create TaaDaa SLR
Create Whiteboard lite: Collaborative Drawing
Create Zamurai
English iThesaurus
English Merriam Webster Dictionary
English Spelling City
General BrainPOP Featured Movie
General Checkers
General Chess
General Chess – Learn Chess
General Edmodo
General Flashcards*
General Flashcards+
General Google Earth
General Khan Academy
General Moodle Mobile
General myHomework student planner
General Quizzam!
General Show of hands
General Socrative
General TapTyping free
Hist etc 100 History Changers
Hist etc LineTime: President’s
Hist etc This Day on history
Hist etc Today in History
Hist etc World Book: This Day
Lang Duolingo
Lang French Living Language
Lang Spanish – Living Language
Math Calculator Pro Free
Math Conundra Math
Math GeoGebra
Math iKnockout
Math Jumbo Calculator
Music Sound Uncovered
Science Building Atoms HD lite
Science NASA App HD
Science NASA Science
Science NASA TV
Science NASA Visualization Explorer
Text McGraw-Hill ConnectED
Theology Catholic NAB Revised
Theology iMassExplained
Theology Quandary
Theology The Pope App


All of them in one table

[Same info as above] – X means I’m putting the app on that grade’s iPad

Category name 6th 7th 8th
Art Color uncovered x x x
Art NASA Earth as Art
Core Adobe Reader x x x
Core Chrome x x x
Core Google Docs x x x
Core Google Drive x x x
Core Google Sheets x x x
Core iBooks x x x
Core iTunes U x x x
Core Kindle x x x
Core Meraki x x x
Core Notability x x x
Core Pearson eText x x x
Core Pearson eText for Schools x x x
Core Photon x x x
Core PowerSchool [student] – Pearson x x x
Create Animoto Video Maker x x x
Create Educreations x x x
Create GarageBand x x x
Create iMovie x x x
Create Inkflow Visual notebook x x x
Create Inspiration Maps x x x
Create Keynote x x x
Create Morfo
Create Morpholio
Create Paper x x x
Create Prezi x x x
Create Sketch-a-song
Create SketchBookX x x x
Create Sumo Paint
Create TaaDaa SLR x x x
Create Whiteboard lite: Collaborative Drawing x x x
Create Zamurai x x x
English iThesaurus x x x
English Merriam Webster Dictionary x x x
English Spelling City x x x
General Brain Labs
General BrainPOP Featured Movie x x x
General Checkers x x x
General Chess x x x
General Chess – Learn Chess x x x
General Edmodo x x x
General Flashcards* x x x
General Flashcards+ x x x
General Google Earth x x x
General Khan Academy x x x
General Moodle Mobile x x x
General myHomework student planner x x x
General Quizzam! x x x
General Show of hands x x x
General Socrative x x x
General TapTyping free x x x
General VLC x x x
Hist etc 100 History Changers x
Hist etc Flags and Capitals x
Hist etc LineTime: President’s x x
Hist etc LineTime: World History x x
Hist etc Stack the Countries x
Hist etc Stack the States x
Hist etc This Day on history x x x
Hist etc Today in History x x x
Hist etc World Book: This Day x x x
Lang Basic Spanish
Lang Duolingo x x x
Lang French Living Language x x x
Lang Spanish – Living Language x x x
Lang Spanish English Dictionary and Tran….
Math Calculator Pro Free x x x
Math Conundra Math x x x
Math GeoGebra x x x
Math iKnockout x x x
Math Jumbo Calculator x x x
Math Math 42
Math Math Graphics
Music piaScore x
Music Prelude – basic notation x
Music ScoreCloud x
Music Sound Uncovered x
Science Building Atoms HD lite x x x
Science NASA App HD x x x
Science NASA Science x x x
Science NASA TV x x x
Science NASA Visualization Explorer x x x
Science Science360
Text McGraw-Hill ConnectED x x x
Theology Catholic NAB Revised x x x
Theology iMass HD
Theology iMassExplained x x x
Theology Quandary x x x
Theology The Pope App x x x
Xfer Air Disk Free
Xfer Air Transfer
Xfer Wifi Photo Transfer

The Great iPad TurnIn Event: 2014 edition [Middle School]

We’ll be taking your iPads up on MONDAY, MAY19 during the school day.

This is a LONG message – please read ALL of it!


Here’s the list of what’s below:

  • WHAT to turn in:
  • WHEN:
  • WHERE:


WHAT to turn in:

  1. iPad
  2. Charger
  3. Charger Cable


  • Monday, May 19, during the school day.



  • Your teachers will know on MONDAY. They will not know before then, so DO NOT BOTHER ASKING THEM!



  • Bring it on Tuesday.



  • You could go out and buy an equivalent replacement, say from PeachMac.
  • or Your parents will be charged $30 for it.
  • You should go look again.
  • Try looking inside the couch……or under your bed……or in the doghouse.
  • I suggest you go do some extra work, or get a job.




  1. On your iPad:
  2. Go through your pictures and delete everything you don’t want to keep.
  3. Make sure your Google Drive App is setup –> Fire it up, and login if it asks you to.
  4. If you’ve never backed up your pictures:Create a new folder. Call it “2014 pix” – or whatever you like. Open it up.
  5. If you HAVE backed them up before: open up the folder you used before.
  6. See the big plus sign in the upper right corner? Click it.
  7. Click “Upload Photos or Videos”
  8. Click “Camera Roll”
  9. Click 4 or 5 rows of pictures/videos – you should see a blue checkmark show up on the picture icon.
    [If you do too many – say, 100 pictures – it will take much longer and might crash]
  10. THEN click the bigger blue checkmark at the top right corner.
  11. You should see a message {1 of 5 files uploading} show up at the bottom of the screen.
  12. Keep going until you get everything uploaded.
Click to see a bigger version


Notability notes

  1. Fire up Notability.
  2. On the opening screen, click the GEAR icon, bottom left.
  3. Click the Auto-Backup Button
  4. Click the Google Drive button.
  5. Login, YES give Notability access [it’ll ask].
  6. You should see a message stating that your notes will be backed up in PDF format. Click OK, but that is NOT what we want.
  7. Next to the Google Drive button you should see a gear icon. Click it.
  8. Change the File Format to NOTE.
    That way you’ll be able to re-import them into Notability if needed.
  9. Click back out of the settings menu.
  10. Wait a while. Make sure your notes have been backed up by switching to your Google Drive and peek inside the Notability folder.
Click to see a bigger version
Click to see a bigger version
Click to see a bigger version
Click to see a bigger version

IF YOU WOULD LIKE PDF COPIES of your notes, do this:

  1. Go back to the first/main/opening screen in Notability.
  2. Click the “All Notes” bar, at the top.
  3. Click the EXPORT button, top left. It looks like a rectangle with an arrow coming OUT of it.
  4. Click the “All Notes” bar again. All the notes should highlight and have checkmarks on them.
  5. Click the Export button again.
  6. Select where you want to send them – email or Google Drive. I suggest Google Drive!
  7. So click on Google Drive.
  8. Set the folder where you want to save them – I suggest the Notability folder.
  9. The formats: Choose PDF.
  10. Paper – YES if you want the backgrounds to match the notes. NO if you want a white background.
  11. Recordings: YES if you want the audio to be exported as well….if you have any notes with audio.
  12. Click the “SEND TO GOOGLE DRIVE” button.
  13. Wait a while. If you are at home and have a lot of notes, wait a LONG while.
Click to see a bigger version
Click to see a bigger version

iPad Keyboards and Styluses

As we approach One-to-One  status, several have asked the iPad guy about picking up keyboards and styluses for use with their iPads next year.

Although we haven’t done tons of research [and would welcome emails from anyone who has experience with these things], MDStech does know 2 things:

  1. Selection of the hardware is VERY personal. Some styluses we’ve tried were abysmal, some were great, and everyone’s opinion on which was which varied greatly.
  2. Cheap hardware is NOT worth the money.

Here are a couple of articles reviewing keyboards. remember that you would have to purchase a keyboard that is NOT attached to a case – you will NOT want to pull the iPad from the Griffin Survivor provided.