Category Archives: Faculty

Don’t FRY your iPad!

MDS tech has seen three iPads that have been electrically fried, resulting in a need for replacement [and a bill sent out].

According to tech support, this is caused by using el-cheapo cables or charger blocks that are NOT Apple “Mfi certified”.

Look for this icon on the packaging – but make sure it isn’t counterfeit!

All students are given a charger block AND a quality cable at the beginning of school. Obviously it can be handy to have extras at the house, but PLEASE make certain they are quality, certified cables and chargers.


The makes certain that the cables are wired correctly, the charger blocks have the correct circuit protection, and they won’t damage your iPad.

One clue that they are NOT certified is their price –> cables that are $3 are probably NOT certified, and they very well can fry your iPad.

My iPad can’t…..[problems]

Some basic things to check when your iPad is misbehaving  – weird problems like email not downloading, or not being able to download Moodle docs into Notability, etc.

1) Do you have any room open in your ipad?
2) Have you done the Reboot Dance lately?
3) Do you have an active internet connection?
Try surfing to an off-campus site you’ve never visited before – like
4) Are you on the correct network?
Make sure you’re on MDS-student and not MDS-tech in Settings
5) Is your OS up to date?
Settings –> General –> Software Update
If not, we can switch your network and get it updated at school [takes about an hour], or you can update it at home.
6) Have you tried the Moodle document download using a different web browser?