Category Archives: Websites

The value of a hacked email account

Many people use the same password at difference sites – including for their email. So if your account info was among those hacked in the many online data thefts over the last few years, those passwords may be floating around.

[You can check to see if your email address is “out there”]

So of what possible value could your hacked email account be to the “bad guys”? Here are some ideas, from Krebs on Security:

Things a hacked email account can be used for

Want more details?

League of Legends State Tournament – Want to go?


Signup sheet is outside Mr. Midkiff’s office. You do NOT have to request tickets online – but a signed permission slip is MANDATORY.

Want to attend but going to use your own transportation? CLICK HERE to request free tickets – and then go talk to Mr. Midkiff or Mr. Read about the other details.

The event takes place in Atlanta next Wednesday afternoon, January 30, 2019.